Brown Spots and yellow leaves help please


Hi can anyone help with a problem please?

i had these brown spots starting to show on my leaves about 2 weeks or so ago and its now starting to get lots worse then you see in the photo, some of the top leaves round the bud have gone brown up the center of the leaf as well :( (have picked one off to show you)

someone said try epson salts so i have been adding this to there feed for the last 4 days with no change as yet in fact i would say its spreading and got worse, alot of the leaves are starting to go yellow this was back a few weeks ago

i'am 5 weeks into flowering now and getting worried it may get into my buds this is my 1st grow and i dont have a clue how to help my baby :(

Thanx if anyone can help...



Well-Known Member
Don't pick the leaves off unless they are getting in the way of bud production..

Some yellowing of the leaves is natural during flowering, but it could also be nutrient burn. A little more information on your setup?

Dirt? hydro? what nutes? what amounts? What light? What PH? What temperature? etc..


it's in soil Tym, the feed it gets is ionic soil bloom it says give 7ml per litre but i have been giving 50ml per 12 litre so just under also i give root stimulator 1 which sould be 1ml per letre but i put in 5ml per 12 letre, the temps at 26c-28c under a 600w sodium

forgot to add the feed is in a self feeding reservoir which holds about 15-20 letres i top it up with 24 letre at a time when it gets low


Well-Known Member
5 inches is close, even for a cooled hood, give it some more room, I like to keep it about 12 inches form the tops and i also run a 600 HPS.........JR


i cant theres no more hight left to lift the hood' i have 2 fans also pointing at the hood and the temps right close to the hood is only 27c 28c max it's a lot cooler below the hood, theres only 1 bud at that hight the rest are alot lower


ok thanks JR will take a look...oh yeh the plants are bent over much as i can it was my 1st go and let them veg to long lol


Well-Known Member
5 inches is way too close for 600 hps.
I had similar issues with my plants on my first grow. I tried everything i could think of. I thought the brown necrossis was a deficiency of some sort. I finally realized that the lights were too close. I had to keep mine about 15 inches away. as soon as i moved the light the plant got a lot better .

good luck