Brown spots, anyone know what from (pics inc)

Lt. Dan

Well-Known Member
I'm too new to give that type of advice but, other who can help will want more info............ type of soil, feeding, type of water, nutes, etc.



Soil is plagron royalty mix, i water them whenever the soil is dry a few inches down and the water is just tap water that ive left out for 24hrs +, didnt use any nutrients in vegetation but im gonna start them on plagron alga bloom now that im about to put them into flowering


Active Member
They are fine. Plants don't grow perfect. Sometimes a spot here or there is just because a root got pinched or hit a hotspot in the soil. Just keep an eye on them and keep your basics right. Light, temp, PH, gradual introduction of nutes.


Well-Known Member
I had a similar problem. They showed up after a transplant. Have you transplanted lately? Do you check your waters ph?


Active Member
you cant go through a grow and just feed bloom nutes, your going to get even more problems, you need to gie the plants nitrogen. get some grow nutes to go along with your bloom. i am right in saying you havnt used any grow nutes, if so thats your problem. looks like its burning up the nitrogen from the leaves to me, plants need npk and the nutes in the soil will only last so long, i think its used up what it had.enjoy rest of grow.


ok thanks man. i'll order some grow nutes now, do you know how i should do the strength tho, say half bloom half grow, when feeding?


Active Member
all depends on the nutes you are using and whether or not the plant needs it, dont get the shit nutes from diy places. try get something like bio grow. then introduce at 1ml per litre. there is a feeding chart available, during flowering i still give 1ml grow per litre along with your bloom nutes. then when the plant buds at the back end of flowering you can either give some blackstrap molasses or use something such as bio topmax. if you are unsure of anything else give me a shout.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey bro.

6.1 is a little low for soil. I would ph your water to the high 6's. Your just getting a little lock out as cal/mag are not absorbed in soil when the ph of your water/feed is below 6.5