brown spots help +rep


Well-Known Member
Brown spots spreading fast ,think it might be a green and black bug i keep finding all over, anyone know what it is and what will make it better?


Well-Known Member
yeah it doesn't look good, green and black bug?
i'm from the north east, seen my share of bugs - does it look like some kind of beetle?


Well-Known Member
i think i've seen them before - not sure if they are the problem
from my first look at your pix, i would have said 'bad ph issue' if there was no other info
are there any holes in the leaves - maybe tiny ones?


Active Member
Looks like thrips... black dots are thrips feces and little thrips.

Manual removal... books says they are vexing to try and get rid of once you have alot of them.

Homemade sprays nicotine base, commercial pyrethrum, insecticidle soap.

apply 2-4 times at 5-10 day intervals.

just my my two cents. get the MMJ hort. bible.


Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Looks like thrips... black dots are thrips feces and little thrips.

Manual removal... books says they are vexing to try and get rid of once you have alot of them.

Homemade sprays nicotine base, commercial pyrethrum, insecticidle soap.

apply 2-4 times at 5-10 day intervals.

just my my two cents. get the MMJ hort. bible.


Hope this helps.
use bug spray or get some lady bugs but it looks like cucumber beetles that do that . , but use plant safe insectcide bro


Well-Known Member
i've seen(and dealt with) cucumber beetles, little bastards are yellow and black - if memory serves


Well-Known Member
i've seen(and dealt with) cucumber beetles, little bastards are yellow and black - if memory serves
yea they piss me off as well they see you and dip off and then come right back man its a pest and they never stop even if you try and drown them


Well-Known Member
soil is happy frog and all my other plants are fine with that and the bat guano tea so i don't think soil or fertilizer is the problem. looked up thrips and i dont see anything like that on my plant. any other ideas?


Well-Known Member
are they beetles? - could be from the behavior you describe - flying away when approached
cucumber beetles behave that way but are normally yellow and black


Well-Known Member

looks similiar to this but may only have one stripe

thats the closest to a picture i can find. kill one or two every time i go back there


markings look similar to mine, they are called four lined plant bug


Well-Known Member
one lined bug? - well this seems to have exhausted my bug lore - the top pic looks similar to cucumber beetle
cucumber beetles suck sap(i think), tend to cause wilt in cukes/squash/melons
never heard of them affecting mj, but sounds like some kind of bug trouble - at a loss unless you can get an actual pic of one of yours


Well-Known Member
they are the exact same after observing them closely so i guess they are four lined plant bugs anyone know what will get rid of these pests?