Brown spots in late flowering? (pics included)


The top small leaves of my plant started to get brown/brass coloured spots. PH is in check. My other plants are doing great. There has been no problem with this plant up to now.

Spots look like some kind of toxicity or over fertilization to me. I flushed them today, maybe this helps. As it is an auto flowering plant this might be normal as it reaches end of life. Any help is appreciated.

Dinafem Critical+ Automatic
Day 51 from seeding (should be finished around day 68 )
Soil: Plagron light mix
Watering: No overwatering; PH is fine
Fertilizer: Plagron algo bloom (6-12-10, organic)
Booster: Plagron green sensation (0-9-10)



Well-Known Member
I think you already are on to it, IMO, there are too many nutes in the ground right now.

Option B... Your pot is too small, and she's rootbound, which can easily mimic nutrient issues. Get a 3.5 gallon for now. It looks like a good size, but just sayin'.

ii dP ii

I have a similar issue, except I literally just flipped to 12/12 yesterday. I was thinking it could be over fert. maybe I'll flush next time I go to water and see if that helps.

dunno about yours but mines definitely not root-bound. I'm in a 3gal pot with plenty of room for my little lady.

if you remember post back after a few days and let me know if a flush helped you? could use some reassurance myself.


Thanks ProdigalSun! I repotted as per your advice. Roots looked ok. This and the previous flushing should take care of the problem, I hope.


Yes ii dP ii I presume it is over fertilization. I also might had em a little bit to close to the lights the last few days (which makes over fertilization problems only worse). I will let you know how things work out.


New Member
I would go ahead and flush it with 3 gallons of water per one gallon of soil and then hold off on feeding them nutes for a while. It looks to me like they were a little over fed. Let me know how that works out for you.


Was it rootbound?
Nope. But a slightly bigger pot and some new soil can't do any harm. Plant is doing fine. Guess I just overfed it a bit and put it too close to the lights. I presume these auto flowering need a little less than regular plants. I won't feed it any nutes till harvest time in two weeks.


As promised I report back. The flush took care of everything. Thanks everyone for help! "Harvest time is in about 5 weeks friend." What makes you say that ProdigalSun? More like 2-3 weeks. It's an 68 day auto strain. In any case, trichomes don't lie. Will check with my USB microscope ;-)
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