Brown spots, leaves curling upwards, yellow appearence

The plant is 4-5 weeks into flowering. It's a Royal Queen Ice feminized strain in soil. From other guides I was reading that it may be Phosphorus deficient due to the small buds, stunted growth (though I'm not sure if it's stunted since this is my first plant) Leaves turning yellow and dieing. Though the leaves aren't curling downwards but not sure if that's to relevant. I water it, every time it feels like and the soil is crusty which seems to be every 24 hours or less. I had flushed the plant a few days ago and it did seem to "perk" up. So I'm just wondering if I should be worried, or is the plant just reaching full maturity? Any help would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
no plants not close to being finished. I'd add some bllom nutes and cal/mag as both will cause brown spots looks more like p/k deficiency to me but light dose of cal mag will help out too . If its dryin out completely in 24 hrs you need larger containers next time which will also increase bud size(more roots, more bud), wouldn't repot now to prevent stress.


Well-Known Member
What type of dirt/nutes you using? I'm betting on Miracle Gro!
Likely some type of nute deficiency it don't look burnt~


Active Member
Feed them! they llook like they are starving, if they are in soil you may be watering too often.

Provide some information for the experts here to help you

1. Growing Medium
3. Nutes and what strength
4. watering schedule
5. temp
6. RH
7. light
8. how old is the plant

that should get them started.
Thanks for replying. This is my first grow. Here's exactly what I'm using.

1- Fox Farm's Ocean forest soil
2. Soil ph is 6.7
3. Currently using no nutes.
4. Around every 24 hours I water as the soil is crusty and it's light.
5. Not to sure on the temp inside the little cabinet, I'll get a thermometer tommorow.
6. Not to sure what RH stands for, this is my first grow.
7. Four 2400k 26watts bulbs during flowering, four 6500k 26w for vegging.
8. About 10 weeks all together, 4-5 weeks into flowering. That's an estimate but should be pretty close.

Also what kind of nutes should I get if you guys decide it's a problem? Any brand names I should be looking for. I have a hydropronics place near me. ANyways thanks again.


Active Member
ive never done soil but i dont think you are suppose to water everyday. unlike hydro soil needs to dry out or the plant will drown.


Well-Known Member

The soil was PH 6.7 originally but not now.

RH = relative humidity - absolutely essential for transpiration and environment issues.

Water? Any food at all?

You need more light in flower than in veg.

When you start with fertilizer - should have been 2 weeks after new soil change or less - USE A THIRD OF THE RECOMMENDED AMOUNT OF FERT and wait 4-5 days to see results.

They should 'green up' in a couple of days ( N def ).


Active Member
Thanks for replying. This is my first grow. Here's exactly what I'm using.

1- Fox Farm's Ocean forest soilOK
2. Soil ph is 6.7 OK
3. Currently using no nutes. Well what do ya know :)
4. Around every 24 hours I water as the soil is crusty and it's light. Dont think Soil gets watered everyday
5. Not to sure on the temp inside the little cabinet, I'll get a thermometer tommorow. temps should be between 75-82 ideally not going over 79
6. Not to sure what RH stands for, this is my first grow. Relative Humidity for flowering I think its suppose to be under 45% or you can run into mold
7. Four 2400k 26watts bulbs during flowering, four 6500k 26w for vegging. Lighting is on the weak side but is not causing the deficiencies
8. About 10 weeks all together, 4-5 weeks into flowering. That's an estimate but should be pretty close.

Also what kind of nutes should I get if you guys decide it's a problem? Any brand names I should be looking for. I have a hydropronics place near me. ANyways thanks again.
As far as nutes go I can only say that I'm using Dyna-Gro and am seeing good results but I cant recommend any brand as I am in my first grow as well but have been on this forum for a bit trying to soak up as much info as I could. I chose Dyna-Gro because is a complete nutrient solution and contains all 16 need nutrients and doesn't require additives which sounded nice and easy for a first grow. I grow in coco though and is much different than soil but there is a soil feeding chart for their nutes so they will work.

At this late into flower though im not sure that you can really turn this girl a round and get any kind of a decent harvest. best to learn from this and use the knowledge on your next grow. Look into coco as a medium as well. is has properties of soil but is treated as hydro and has been a great experience once i learned to flush it before use :)

Good luck and please remember that i am a new grower just like you and this is all information I have found on this and other forums and is not direct growing experience.

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
Looks like she is screening at me saying," I'm fuckiing starving" poor girl. And chill on the waterings lol every few days should be good but what size pot. Also p.h is critical so check it

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I would just do a transplant into some new heat treated balanced soil. And then feed her after the first watering with ph balanced fresh water.


Well-Known Member
I reckon that the nutes are in there but locked out due to incorrect PH. Why not do a flush with 1/4 strength fert and check the run off on the first flush. Keep the PH at 6.5 to start until you see what comes out. I have a feeling that is will be acidic as there will be nutes locked in, so the second and final flush with a PH.6.8 to neutralise it. Then you have to leave it for 5 - 7 days to see if it recovers.

I've just done this myself and they look better after 2 days.