Brown Spots, No Bugs???


I know this question is asked a lot, but I can't seem to find an answer that fits. The closest I have come to possible diagnosis from other's posts is a calcium def. Let me know what you think.

I have small brown spots appearing on older fan leaves (randomly). It seems to be affecting the lower leaves, as I have not seen anything on new growth yet.

I have checked the underside for mites and their webbing, and I do not see either.


I am using FF Ocean Forest soil, and occasionally (1-2 feedings per week), use FF Big Bloom in low doses. I noticed after Big Bloom feeding two weeks ago, leaf tips were turning yellowish/brown. And, I mean...just the tips. It did not reach past 2-3 mm. I backed off the nutes for a feeding or two, and just used ph 6.0 water. The occurances of yellow/brown tips dropped, however I still do have a few.

The plant is roughly 2 months old +/- a couple days.

Plant may look a little rough in pictures, I've been using it to take clones.

Sorry, I do not know the soil ph, fertility, etc... . I have a meter, but ever since I got it, it always says everything is great. So now, I just think I bought a broken meter.


1. Small brown spots randomly on lower fan leaves.
2. Some leaf tips are yellowish/brown

Soil: FF Ocean Forest
Nutes: FF Big Bloom
Water: ph 6.0


Any ideas or helpful advice would be greatly appreciated!


Ok. So after research, I'm leaning towards calcium def. I bought nutes that included calcium...since FF big bloom apparently does not. I mixed a solution and watered as well as a little foliar feed. However, I jumped the gun and was ready to kick myself. I had forgotten to check ph again after mixing solution. I tested.... 4. fucking 0 and lower according to test. SHIT. I flushed heavily with ph 5.0 water, and added some ph up to my nute solution. Once ph was acceptable, re watered with nute solution, and sprayed leaves with the ph 5.0 water to try and remove the previous nutes sprayed on leaves.

Hopefully, I don't kill her, and will post what happened.


So, she's not dead, but looks like shit. The "rust" spots have come back with a vengeance, and affecting more area, as well as the overall yellowing of the leaves. leaves are now curling up instead of down. Spots are in the margins between the leaf veins.

So it comes down to this... Treat as Mg Deficiency or have all my problems been due to too many nutes? What do you all think? Will post pics once the lights come on.

As said before, I was using FF soil and FF big bloom as organic fert with low ppm approx 132, before I purchased Flora Nova with more nutes in it, and mixed a solution around 494ppm. I'm new to the whole ppm thing, so please if you have any advice let me know.

I just purchased epsom salt and mixed 1/4 tsp into 1 qrt of water. Was planning on foliar feeding with this to see if cured problems (if Mg). Go for it or not?


So, Here's the pics of it now. Please take a look and tell me what you think pertaining to previous posts.



since I think my soil tester is garbage, I tested the runoff water, and came back with ph well under 5.0. I've heard this is not the best way to test soil ph, but my actual tester has said "ideal" since i got the fucker. And we are in less than ideal circumstances.

Flushed with 3 gal. distilled, until runoff ph was 6.0, and foliar fed the water/epsom salt solution. I think it safe to say it just wasn't absorbing the nutes with the ph being so low. ??? Anyone agree... or am I way off again?


Well-Known Member
I have that same problem. I also thought it was a cal/mag deficiency + over fert of P, so I flushed my plants and gave small dose of 1-3-2 ferts and 1T molasses per gallon. The spotting seems to be slowing down but the leaves had already turned pretty yellow by that time. Hopefully you can figure this one out.

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
Do you have a HOP's vine in the garden, or does a jackass nieghbor of yours have Hops vine??? OR worse yet, did you bring a Hops plant in your grow room... for the often rumored and sometimes fatal Hops x Cannabis grafting theory / experiment???

OK... this is a long shot, and a fairly rare and exotic thing.... If there is a Hops plant in the equation. And the Hops plant looks much like your cannabis plant, except 10 times worse... then it might be SEPTORA. Much the same way Tomato's cousin Tobacco fucks over Tomato's with mosaic .. Hops infected with Septora can screw over its cousin Cannabis with a very special cross contamination scheme.



My soil tester is a rapitest soil tester, and is either off or on. I don't think you can calibrate it, but I may be wrong. I use a liquid dropper ph test kit for water/nute solution, and is how i also tested the runoff.


No, pretty sure there's no hops plant around. I did have a salvia divinorum in with for about 2 days about a month ago



One thing I'm happy about....

I did pull 6 clones off before all this shit started happening. They will soon be going into drip system with recently purchased secret jardin tent, and finally going to HPS from my T5's.
you should take more care in your p.h Before you water and forget about runoff.
For $35 I can ship you this and it will do everything you need.
or just get a hanna ph tester for $40 at your local store,keep your water between 6.2 and 6.8. It's best if you aerate it first also.
I r/o mine then circulate it in a tub,measure and adjust the p.h,come back in about 1/2,check again,then water if right.
cheap r/o systems at


Been a few days. Since last post the rust spots have slowed, if not stopped. Two or so more days and I'll be able to tell if it's corrected for good. As stated a couple posts ago, looks like we just had some lock out issues due to the ph being so low.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
its rust use safers defender to treat it. calcium will do it to as that rebuilds cell walls and is what happens here. but thwe real issue is called rust disease. from poor health...your ph being out