Brown Spots on couple of the bottom leaves


Hey All
first time poster here,

I am about 4 weeks into my first grow with a small grow box. everything has been going good, I started before the box was exactly ready and just added 2 more hanging cfl's to the mix (i have 4 5000K and 2 2700K 1600 lumen bulbs).

I just noticed this morning some brown spotting on a couple of the lower leaves and was wondering if any of you have had similar problems.

I thought it could be from heat stress but the temp seems to be okay at 28 degrees. the hanging lights i have added are pretty close but from the forum it seems i can have the up to an inch away from the leaves, if this is true the spots shouldn't be from the heat.

Only other thing that I might have been inconsistent with was the PH as i haven't been home and my girlfriend has been watering, so i am sure she hasn't been checking.

Pictures are below any input would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Rust spots are generally a cal/mag deficiency..........add 10ml of cal/mag per gallon for a few weeks and after it improves, drop down to 5ml to maintain.


Well-Known Member
Ur pH might be lockin out some micro nutes, a nice flush with phd water might help, but cal/mag is always nice to have on the shelf


Yea I am going to make sure that I pH tomorrow.

I actually have Cal Mag pills, 333 mg of Cal and 167 of Mag per pill, can i bust these open and use these?
If so how much should i use?
ie 10mL/gal = ?? mg/gal?

Thanks for the replies!


Well-Known Member
Yea I am going to make sure that I pH tomorrow.

I actually have Cal Mag pills, 333 mg of Cal and 167 of Mag per pill, can i bust these open and use these?
If so how much should i use?
ie 10mL/gal = ?? mg/gal?

Thanks for the replies!
These pills (if made for human consumption) may not be soluble or readily available for the plants to take up. I recommend getting an actual cal/mag additive for gardening.

If you are in soil, Lime and Epsom Salts mixed into the soil next time should prevent this.