Brown spots on exile clone leaves. Please help.


Brown spots have appeared on my clone leaves and was just wondering if it was some kind of insect or was it lack of nutes or too much nutes.



great! So at this point, should i cut those leaves or buy some insect spray from my local hydroponic store???
Definitely don't cut the leaves off. I'm leaning more towards deficency, you may be dealing with some sort of lockout. Did you presoak the rockwool with balanced water? What kinda nute's are you using? How long has it been a clone? How did it look before it was snipped? Staying on top of Ph?


yeah i presoaked the rockwool in 5.5 ph distilled water. the nutes im using are insta green 3-0-0, floramicro and floragro also in 5.6 to 5.8 ph'd water. I bought the clone from my local dispensary. They were the ones who snipped the clones and i believe it had those spots on the leaves when i bought it but didnt think anything of it. I just thought it needed cal or mag. Yeah I change the water in my spray bottle every week.


Active Member
im growing exile at the moment am 14 days into flower have encountered something like this i used vitality plus it cleared the prob for me now my ladies are looking strong and healthy have a look underneath the leaf with a spy glass see if anything is moving about if spots persist on new growth go back to the dispensery tell them what has happened they should be able to point u in the right direction as they give u the clone they should know full well what hte prob is and how to cure it hope this helps