Brown spots on inside of leaves near stem

Charles m

Hey guys this is my 3rd grow in DWC..ive done 2 also in RDWC...anyway here my prob..i have a 2 week old seedling that i put onto dwc and its been growing great. Everything is ideal for a good grow except over past few days have noticed brown spots on inside of leaves. I thought maybe it was a calcium deficiency but i habe honestly never faced a deficiency problem or toxicity problem personally so im not exactly sure. Its not crazy serious but o can notice it and want to catch it b4 ot gets worse. I did have a small problem this nuitrient burn which i solved at least it seemed...i will attach photos. Any help is much appreciated! Thanks in advance
- Boogie



Well-Known Member
Only on the one leaf indicates it's not a deficiency . . yet. You spray your plants with anything or maybe slopped a drop or two of nutes on the leaf?

Looks more like water damage than anything wrong with the plant itself. A wait and watch situation.


Charles m

Its not just 1 leaf its getting on all of them that was judt am early pic to try to catch it b4 it spread. I dont ever spray leaves. Thats a no go for me i ensure when i top feed that nothing gets on my plant whatsoever


Well-Known Member
The pics don't show much more than that one leaf with anything going on. Not something I'd lose sleep over unless it really got going much more visibly.

More info might be helpful like nutes, ppm, pH etc.

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Good luck!


Charles m

Oh shit yeah dude i had made 2 posts and didnt realize that this was the other one. I didmt mean to come off soinding rude. I def appreciate the help.

Charles m

This shit seems to be getting worse..
Ppm 200- im using calmag and sensi grow 3-0-0 and clonex mycorrhizae
My ph is pretty steady 5.9
Water is RO and water temp is 68f
Idk whats going on with it..
Its steange because under the led light it looks terrible but its hard to notice under phone light and in pics..maybe im trippin lol
Maybe its not cal deficiency but idk for sure. I really appreciate your guys time and effort in replying and helping me out



Well-Known Member
It's not a cal def. It's either a P def or over watering but leaves look perky so I'mma say P def since you aren't giving it any

Charles m

Ok. Its getting good oxegen to the roots. Plenty of bubbles so maybe it is a P deficiency. Im gonna grab some asap im the morn and see how it goes. Thanks a lot bro

Charles m

Ok awesome well i am gonna grab some florablend or maybe the sensi gro with P and K lol. I will update again. Thanks once more every one

Charles m

Yes it has been calibrated..i made sure after this stated Happening also cause iv thought maybe it was ph issue

Charles m

Im not sure whats going on. Its still there and it starts as brown spots and they kinda grow together to be blotches and dry the leaves out also making them curl..i bumped up ph to 6.2 to see if that helps


Well-Known Member
You messed up a bit there, I would apply foliar MPK, to just stuff some more of the base nutes in that you have been skipping.
Baby plants, even seedlings, need some nutrition. Just not much. But they really need their micros, things like zink etc to get going well.

Charles m

Ok i have neber foilar fed because i was afraid to harm the leaves or dry em out but i will do that and see what happens. This shit is boggling my mind man