Brown spots on leafs

Hi just looking for some advice, I'm constantly having issues with my plants, I'm a new grower using canna a+b in coco. Temps are around 26, under mars hydro ts1000 light. Ph is going in at 5.8. They are 2 weeks old today and recently been feeding 1 ec. I got aanother 20200505_123736.jpgseedling the same age with the same issue on the same leaf. Any ideas?
I’m dealing with something similar right now. This is only my second grow so I’m by far the best resource for you but from the research I’ve been doing it looks like a nitrogen/zink deficiency.

I’ve had good luck so far with Happy Frog nutrient enriched soil. The first few weeks you won’t have to add any nutrients. I think the reason I’m having a problem this time is because I tried to go as long as I could before adding anything.

I’ve added worm castings to the last water and feed. I’ll let you know how things progress

CC what are the worm castings for? Nutrients or porosity?

I've read a bit about them when people make their own soil but I've never learned what effect they have on the plants.



CC what are the worm castings for? Nutrients or porosity?

I've read a bit about them when people make their own soil but I've never learned what effect they have on the plants.



I’ve read worm castings are high in nitrogen and have elements of zink. I use RO water so I’m aware some minerals the plants need could have been filtered away.

I don’t have much experience and I’m going through something similar so I’m looking forward to hear what others say on this thread.
It looks like you've got symptoms of over watering. Drooping leaves, bottom leaves starting to go necrotic.

I've heard many people say you can't over water in coco, but this is the second post today where I've seen over watering symptoms in plants growing in coco.
I'm not a coco grower myself but doesnt it still retain 20% oxygen when fully saturated?

I've never grown in coco, that's why I added the quasi disclaimer to my post. I just went by what I see. I'm hoping experienced coco growers can clarify if this could be over watering, or whether there are other coco-related problems that just appear to be symptomatic of over water.
I pretty certain it’s not overwatering in my case. Could it be something else? I have the same issue growing in soil. New growth is light in colour and older leaves look kinda like the ones in this pic
Hi I learnt my lesson from the other 2 which I over watered, these 2 I have been extra careful and not over watered, the reason its wet now because I panicked and give it a small flush which probaly wasnt the best thing to do. I'm using RO water
I put them straight in a 10 litre pot like I was advised to do on many threads with autoflowers, decided it's not a good route to go and will be potting up in future
I've never grown in coco, that's why I added the quasi disclaimer to my post. I just went by what I see. I'm hoping experienced coco growers can clarify if this could be over watering, or whether there are other coco-related problems that just appear to be symptomatic of over water.
My bad, totally didnt see the bottom half of your comment.
I put them straight in a 10 litre pot like I was advised to do on many threads with autoflowers, decided it's not a good route to go and will be potting up in future
Why would you add the stress of potting up? 10 liter isn’t even 3 gallon so why would that be too big? Mine grow fine in 5 gallon container.

I think something is off with your nutrients and that will follow u no matter what pot size u use.
I put them straight in a 10 litre pot like I was advised to do on many threads with autoflowers, decided it's not a good route to go and will be potting up in future
I would have to agree with you on that. Atleast in the beginning till you have a nice root ball in a 1 gal then go to a 3 or 5.
Many mixed views about potting up, theres clearly no right answer for that, and my nutrients well I dont know what else I can do, I'm following the feed schedule and cutting it in half