brown spots on leaves ends going yellow and dry


Well-Known Member
hi i wanted to ask brown spots on leaves and yellow dry ends could this be nute burn i thought it was to begin with but as the dayz have progreseed im starting to think it might be N deff or M its not root rot as the roots look nice and white plants is not looking crap there in a dwc 12/12 from clone 1 week grow nutes 2nd week bloom nutes im 2 weeks in hairs are starting to form all over the plant so i wanna try fix it be4 we go into full flower


Well-Known Member
nute burn is when the tips of the leaves gets brown and crisp and then it effects all the points a on the leaf

brown spots can be cuases several things ............what feed are u using in the system and if u have micro nutes i would add 2 mls per gallon in your system


Well-Known Member
A picture would be super helpful but brown tips means you gave just a little too much nutes. A lot of growers will feed till they get brown tips so they know the maximum amount of nutes they can give the plant/strain, but that's your call on what you want to do. I personally increase the nutes till I get slightly brown tips then stop and then water, water, nutes at same strength.


Active Member
My fan leaves are getting all fudged up because I'm using MOAB and 9ml florbloom everyday. Seems to be bulking thr plant up great all green leaves, but my fans are going. But I'm almost out of flower. Check your Ph, flush, dial back the nutes. It's a lot easier with a picture to tackle the problem brohon.


Well-Known Member
hey there im using a dwc system with rock ignite nutes a and b rizo tonic from canna but im 2 weeks into flower now so im on bloom nutes, so im useing 2ml per ltr (max streath is 4 ml per litre) and im useing 1ml of pothash i was thinking maby more N diff as im doing 12/12 from rooted clones only gave them veg nutes for 1 week