What's up, just started using a hydro setup, and two weeks into my grow I saw browning spots on the lower leaves of my plants, I'm using the flora series nutrients in my reservoir with a ph of 6.2, I would love to know what's going in with my babies... Any help would b great.
so you practically don't have any ca in your set up, other then what ever is in the Flora, is it Flora Nova or Flora Duo ? and do you use The Lucas formula or as it say on the bottle ?
unless you have/use the Micro, but still look a bit like the early signs, maybe up the Micro a bit on your next water changes, maybe swap some of the Veg for it (like the lukas formula)
Dump the distilled water for tap instead, use a ph of 5.8. If you have a PPM meter and your tap is at least 150ppm as is then you shouldn't need a Cal/mag substitute.
I'm getting same prob brown spots on the leaves. But I used bottled water. What should I use for calcium if that's the prob. I'm using miracle grow and I've never added anything to it and I'm about a month in. After two weeks the first spikey leaves got a rust colored spot and slowly got one or two more then it started and the very next set of leaves got it too.