brown tip? on blue mystic 18 days old


Well-Known Member
great circulation fox farm ocean forest soil. 6 26w cfls 78f. woke up and my 2 of my leaves looked like this. i am also keeping a journal in the other section.IMG00264-20100906-0936.jpg


Well-Known Member

Could be slight fertilizer burn, give them straight water (ph adjusted) next feeding and cut back on nutes for very young plants in veg.

Don't sweat it, but don't let the fert's sit in the root ball and burn further. If concerned flush with ph adjusted water to rinse nutes from the root ball.

Ocean Forest is notorious for burning young plants and clones. Just add water to flush it a little and things should be okay. If you're using nutes I suggest you don't add any until the plant gets a little bit bigger. The soil has enough to feed your plant for about a month.


Well-Known Member

It's possible that it could be something else, I'm not an expert on plant problems.

The two things I am sure it is not are over watering or lack of nutrients. By flushing your root ball and resetting your PH to 6.5 you give the plant a chance to heal itself, with no downside.

Then start over by feeding the root ball, not the above ground part of the plant.


{it's not heat stress either, definitely a nute problem of some kind. As kimber said, it's probably the OF soil. Good stuff but sometimes too much nutes for a young plant.}


Well-Known Member
i did just transplant it too. so it was fresh ocean forest. mayb thats it. plut i already gave it some nutes too last week. ok so i will flush it now i just dont want to overwater it now you kno? thanks guys


Well-Known Member

"lut i already gave it some nutes too last week."

That's probably it. No nutes needed in early veg with OF.


"ok so i will flush it now i just dont want to overwater it now you kno? thanks guys"

One or two heavy waterings won't hurt. Let your root ball dry out next time to avoid root rot; make sure that your plants are elevated so they don't sit in water.


"could it be mites? i spray my leaves everynite with water"

Check your leaves with a magnifying glass. If have bugs you can get sprays but I would start with bug sticky tape around your pots, table legs. Get some air under neath. Air floor, page 1 of linked post.

I still think nute problem of some kind.

You'll be fine spraying the leaves every night in veg but there's really no need unless you're foiler feeding or solving a problem. I consider spaying on a regular basis to be just extra work, let the roots do the work. Just laying around doing nothing, living the life of 'Riley! Sons of bitches!!



Well-Known Member
i thoroughly checked for mites and i dont see any. i dint have a magnifine glass tho. but from what i could see and i have 20/20 vision i didnt see anything. i just like to keep the leaves moist like a morning dew. thats all. and i heard that it can prevent mites.


Well-Known Member

" i just like to keep the leaves moist like a morning dew. "

Under an HID moisture on leaves can cause burn (prism effect), but your's doesn't look like that. It would be on the highest leaves, tips.



Well-Known Member

" just hope its not to bad"

Don't think about it twice, I stress my plants worse letting them dry limp before watering.

We want to keep on the plant as many leaves as possible for late flower, in veg it looks bad but it's no big deal. It'll recover, there's virtually no damage now. You might not even loose the leaves, and if you do they're low on the plant. I pull off all the leaves that low when I put them in flower.

Blue Mystic. The blue family can be nute sensitive.


Well-Known Member

No, just leave it. Cutting off will further damage the leaf, the dead leaf will fall off when it crumbles.



Well-Known Member

I don't think mites, 99% sure it's a fertilizer burn of some kind. Rinse and no nutes in veg with Fox Farm soils.

I ran this bubblegum on the right in hydro - a 2 litre pop bottle - no air and changed nutes only once during flower. Harvested small but fine, too much nutes will kill the plant.



Well-Known Member

I don't think mites, 99% sure it's a fertilizer burn of some kind. Rinse and no nutes in veg with Fox Farm soils.

I ran this bubblegum on the right in hydro - a 2 litre pop bottle - no air and changed nutes only once during flower. Harvested small but fine, too much nutes will kill the plant.

that is crazyy bro, i found a couple more holes this morning however.