Brown/Yellow tips


Hey I need some help figuring out if this is a deficiency or burn. Growing in 70/30 coco feeding at 650ppm I add about 2ml of calmag and I’ve been feeding everyday for the past 3 days since the runoff ppm is from 400-500 the new growth looks good but just has yellow/brown tips if you can see. If you need better photos let me know!! Thanks!
Imo m not coco either but if you were feeding daily for past 3 days what were you doing before that. I believe coco gets fed to runoff daily from go
Imo m not coco either but if you were feeding daily for past 3 days what were you doing before that. I believe coco gets fed to runoff daily from go
Before I wasn’t feeding daily which was my bad I just switched from maybe just feed to runoff for longer and see? It’s been doing better I just was worried about the yellow on the new growth.
Hey I need some help figuring out if this is a deficiency or burn. Growing in 70/30 coco feeding at 650ppm I add about 2ml of calmag and I’ve been feeding everyday for the past 3 days since the runoff ppm is from 400-500 the new growth looks good but just has yellow/brown tips if you can see. If you need better photos let me know!! Thanks!
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Your over feeding first off. Next will be interveinal chlorosis followed by necrotic blotches and leaf wilt.
Second,... did you make the substrate or purchase it? Any organic ammendments?, aside from wetting agents and organic acids?
If it's pure coco and perlite adjust pH to hydro range.
If any organic input is in your substrate it's most likely containing a buffer to favor the pH range of organics.
That's a small plant, 600 + ppm? WOAH!!!
Bump that down to around 250-300 if your pure coco. Coco has a lower CEC than peat. But it still holds onto nutrients. Flush your pot with pH adjusted water. Or very low nutrient charged water, pH stabilized at 5.8
Flush 3 times the volume of coco. Right before you finish the total volume of flush solution, capture 1 cup of the final amount if liquid to drain out of the pot. This is your sample to test pH and PPM. EC is more accurate as it doesn't recognize fine particles, possibly from your substrate. Only the electrical conductivity.

Once your in an exceptable range as per the plants stage of growth and age, allow the substrate to dry for a day to rebound the plant. Then as needed adjust nutrient strength. There's nothing wrong with running the same EC for longer, you can always increase it easily. Reducing it is the shit part. Less is more! Also by maintaining a higher EC within the plant tissue than the substrate, this keeps the plants constantly uptaking elements, always hungry for more.
Less is more!
ec is just calculatim ppm with your meters conversion rate.... if anything its less precise ppm goes 100 ec goes 0.9 you got more decimals in ppm
EC is more accurate than what?
In the past I've noticed differences in testing and relying solely on ppm with runoff solutions.
Mabey it was just just me and my equipment at the time. Idk, maybe it was micro fine particulates from the substrate affecting my readings. Eitherway, EC is what I've since always monitored
In the past I've noticed differences in testing and relying solely on ppm with runoff solutions.
Mabey it was just just me and my equipment at the time. Idk, maybe it was micro fine particulates from the substrate affecting my readings. Eitherway, EC is what I've since always monitored
Apparently you didn't know but EC and PPM are the same thing. PPM is just a conversion from EC.
ec is just calculatim ppm with your meters conversion rate.... if anything its less precise ppm goes 100 ec goes 0.9 you got more decimals in ppm
Does 50ppm make that much of a difference?. I've never heard anyone say, shit I over fed by 50ppm