browning and curling leaves


-25 Plants (Blueberry, Strawberry Cough, Prozac, Tangerine Dream)
-Currently under (20) 23 watt CFL's
-Soil: Fox Farm Ocean
-Water: Distilled once and Tap checked levels each time
-Started with Jiffy pellets, then placed the pellets into jiffy pots.

So I had a few problems starting off a few weeks ago, and I had started with an HID over the current CFLs. The plants were hanging over badly and once I switched them up, dug them deeper, and staked the slanting plants up. They started looking great. Well last Sunday I watered the plants late that night. I usually leave the door open since it connects to another room for cooler air. This time however I closed it. The temp got up to about 90-92 in the grow room from about 11 that night to about 3pm the next day. I always check the moisture levels before and after watering, but I still feel like I might be watering too much, even while checking 4 points of the soil at the bottom. Some are greatly affected more than other, but it seems like just about everyone has some sort of similar problem.

The only other change is that I used distilled water instead of the usual tap. I was hoping the plants would spring back to life like before, but I simply can't figure out the problem now. I've tried to make sure the temp stays no higher than 80 and it typically falls around 75-79. Humidity is rather low at around 29-35, and adding in a humidifier didn't seem to do the trick.

I've tried searching to see the list of problems and although it's hard for me to believe I'm over watering while using the meter and watering every other day..It may be the case. But, maybe some of you see other things a new grower like myself doesn't see. Because maybe the plants are getting dry and the pots I have them in right now are causing the problem. Or maybe the lights are too close, even though using the hand test for checking heat comes up negative. IDK for sure, but I appreciate the help.

I've tried to include a variety of the plants, the best and worst ones.



Active Member
Omg I'm gonna cry!!! They look extremely burnt from light or nutes, almost to the point of looking like someone tried to light them on fire. I seriously don't even know where to start with advice on this. It's hard to flush jiffy pots, which is one reason I avoid them. Depending on your water from tap, I would deffinately look into a ph/ppm meter. I don't worry to much about ppm as I do soil too, and mix as directed (modified to plants telling me what they want), but try to ph your water to 6.5-7.0. I think maybe you got a really hot batch of soil causeing the burn (which is exactly what it looks like to me). Another issue I had with jiffy pots (the one time I used jiffy pots years ago)is they tend to dry out the pots fast. Really easy to overwater (meaning to often) with air circulating and drying them out. I can't say for certain that frequent watering releases nutes in yur particular soil, as I don't use it. I don't know what else to say except I hope you get more help to save them.

Edit: let's all get together RIU, and try to get this member on the correct path to nursing them back to health! If we all can get it done, I will believe in Miracles! Lol. (no offense OP)


Active Member
I agree with getting them out of those jiffy things, transplant the live ones and water with only distilled water, no nutes see if they spring back, IDK some are really gone. I believe they were a little young to blast em with a Mh bulb, no worries though we all learned from out mistakes. Recover what you can replant the rest, might want to start smaller bro, that's just me.....bongsmilie


Always checked the parts ppm of the water. Water was also PH checked and soil was ph checked as well. Lights too close maybe? They're about 2 inches or so away and temp is around 78-79 where the plants are. So just a bad batch of soil?

So what can be saved and what can't? I assume the first one has no chance, but how bad are the rest of them?


New Member
Which ones are the best ones? No offense meant bro. Grumpy had good words, massive nute burn. Is there any additives such as perlite, dolomite, or vermiculite in your soil mix or is it straight FFOF? That soil is very hot, too hot IMHO for seedlings especially if there is no other shtuff in there to buffer it. Also Enzo had it right wih the MH at this point. Shut the MH down and save some electric bill money for a good 3-4 weeks. If this were my grow I would transplant into regular pots or grow bags, with a good mix of the FFOF. Like 3:1:1 soil, vermiculite, and perlite. I would carefully remove as much of the straight soil as I could without damaging or exposing the roots to too much light. Once in their new home I would put 1 cfl on each plant and water sparingly, just enough to wet the roots and let the soil dry out a few days to encouage the roots to stretch out looking for moisture. I would add no nutes for at least 3 weeks. Then begin a regimen of 1/4 dose on feed, water, water, feed schedule. I would cycle my schedule twice at 1/4 dose, then twice at 1/2 dose, twice at 3/4 dose then onto full dose. Before switching to 12/12 I would flush them out using 2-3 times the amount of water as I have soil. And after switching I would resume feeding but with flowering nutes using the same feed/water scheduling. Just saying what I would be likely to do. They are your girls dude, love them and they will love you back! PEACE!


Oh no, the MH was shut down a few weeks ago. I was using it for just under a week, then switched right to cfls, which sprang the plants back.

Yes, straight FFOF. Nothing else.

Thanks for that information. Really appreciate the help.


Well-Known Member
I've head FFOF is hot for seedlings, so my guess is nute burn. Flush them out! As BKbudz points out MH is rough on young plants, but as long as you can give the plants distance from it it shouldn't be the cause of this.


New Member
Oh no, the MH was shut down a few weeks ago. I was using it for just under a week, then switched right to cfls, which sprang the plants back.

Yes, straight FFOF. Nothing else.

Thanks for that information. Really appreciate the help.
You are very welcome my friend. I am gonna sub this thread and watch their progress. +rep for taking the leap into farming! Also the best suggestion I can offer is to read, study, plan and act. There is a wealth of info in the stickies and other posts on this forum. And a bunch of wonderful vids on youtube as well. Here is one to start...


Ursus marijanus
FFOF is indeed hot for the youngins. Transplant to Light Warrior for the duration, and STAT. Such is my opinion. Since tomorrow is New Year's Eve and stores may not all be open ... plan B- would be to get seedling soil from a big home/garden store. But those poor kiddies need their hot feet soothed, soonest!! cn


FFOF is indeed hot for the youngins. Transplant to Light Warrior for the duration, and STAT. Such is my opinion. Since tomorrow is New Year's Eve and stores may not all be open ... plan B- would be to get seedling soil from a big home/garden store. But those poor kiddies need their hot feet soothed, soonest!! cn
Right now what I have to use is the fox farm soil, Garden Lime, and Seedling Starting Mix by Jiffy. So should I transplant it into the starting mix or use the recommendation by bkbuddz? Or should both be as efficient?

And I don't think anyone mentioned this, but should I trim off the burnt edges of the leaves and on the really bad one (first picture) how would I do that? Would I simply trim all of the leaves off? This is just something I'm coming across while researching what to do.


i did the EXACT same thing as you. Mine now are over a month now and they still havent recovered. I got impatient and switched my hid's on to soon room got to hot. i started some more fresh seeds doing with w/ tapwater NOT soft water or filtered because the little guys need some ppm which tapwater will provide, and i used t4 flouros which they LOVE. The ones i started 3 weeks after the fried ones have surpassed the nuked ones in all ways and are way over double the size although the old ones arnt dead they just grow slow. Might be worth it to save'em... might not depending on wether u got months to burn. Just my 2 cents man. I havent given up on mine, they grow and are definatly trying, the trauma was just alot to deal with when they are so young. Good luck man


Yeah, my first instinct was to say start over, but it's hard to recommend that. :(
With 25 plants and a mixture of horrendous and not good plants, I think there are some keepers in there. Even if it was 25 horrendous plants I think they still deserve a shot at life. I can see why people get so hooked to growing. I'm not mad about the money spent on seeds, I'm mad that I'm losing my plants. Not even so much to harvest them, but bringing them up is a hell of an experience. It sucks that they may not be in the best shape, but even if I had a billion of the top plants in the world I'd still want to try and save my first ones. If you feel me on that. :mrgreen:


So ran to the nearest store to scrounge up what I could get.
-6" planters
-Jiffy starting Mix

I'll post up pictures if anyone is following this, plus for any info one something I'm doing incorrectly or should be doing. Only have a few hours to o this, so gotta make it quick.


Weed Modifier
I got to see where this one goes... positive vibes your way..... I really hope they pull through for yah...was going to reply but looks like its all been said already.


Here is the starting process so far (First 7). Transplanted them from Jiffy pots to 6" pots and Jiffy Starting mix. Didn't have too many options for right now, but as you can see some look horrible, some have a lot of burns and some have slight touches on top leaves.



Weed Modifier
did you water the soil? ...until water comes out bottom...then they will not need water for awhile...let soil dry out before watering again...and hopefully some will start to recover.


Well-Known Member
how close is it, back it off them, and let them climb toward it man.. and quit watering them evey other day, for YOU.. I RECCOMEND THE DUNK METHOD. ITS SO SIMPLE RADIO CAN DOIT... saturate it with water one time a week dont mess with it again untill the NEXT week!! UNLESS THE LEAVES ARE FALLING OFF,(well they sorta are... sorry lol) ok... well as grumpy said i dont know where tostart ill come back so ber tommorrow... this site needs a reminder button.. =) dur