I’m really confused on how it got so low to begin with. I tested another smaller plant that’s been doing good, only difference in soil being that I added perlite to it, and it’s looking more in the normal range. Maybe my tap waters ph fluctuates? Idk.Yep!.. and if your runoff is that low, your soil is prob lower.
I determined the actual usage of the light is 100w. It claims to be 1000w. https://www.amazon.com/Coverage-Upg...cphy=9008795&hvtargid=pla-1210502925117&psc=1If I remember correctly you weren't sure whether 1st light was 100w or 200w. Makes me wonder about this '1000' you have.
Can you please tell me more about your light?
Methinks a weak light would explain sparse growth and big gaps between nodes
I did lower it a bit now that I think my issue isn’t the light, it’s about 2 feet above. I got the Photone app, would you say it works well enough to be worth buying the led feature? Also regarding the temp, I had been just letting them roll with the normal temp in my house, but as it’s gotten colder here I put a space heater in the room and set it to 70 so the temp won’t ever drop too low.Safety first, then teamwork!
Photone light meter app.
Better light.
Closer light.
Raise the temperature.
The LED feature came free with mine. I am no expert. Watch plants close and see if they like the light closer. My tent is 83-87.I did lower it a bit now that I think my issue isn’t the light, it’s about 2 feet above. I got the Photone app, would you say it works well enough to be worth buying the led feature? Also regarding the temp, I had been just letting them roll with the normal temp in my house, but as it’s gotten colder here I put a space heater in the room and set it to 70 so the temp won’t ever drop too low.
I just discovered a local garden store that I was unaware of previously. Thank the lord. Apparently they have fox farm soil so I’m gonna grab a bag of that tomorrow most likely and try this. Gonna transplant them into the same size pot, or maybe even a smaller size one, since they’re def not big enough for a larger pot. I think I’m gonna try to knock most the soil off the roots gently when I do. Gonna get ph up/down too if they have it, which I’m guessing they do. I tried finding some information on transplanting into a smaller pot from a large one and couldn’t find much. Idk if itd even work, anyone done it before?You could transplant into larger pots with better medium, would solve your problem. Tear 1/3 of the top soil off, you should easily be able to there usually isn’t substantial roots in the top 1/3, then replace that with fresh medium
That’s what I’m thinking, root ball may not be too big and it may benefit to have a smaller pot with better soil. At this point I’m just trying to save the plants, time is of no issue. I’ll continue to veg them until I feel they are ready to flower. This is to me more of a learning process than anything. I’m not too worried about gains as I have other means to bud. Just want to be able to grow my own and learn as much as I can to obtain that goal.They are pretty small, you could try rinsing off the dirt from the root ball and gently massage it all off. I’ve gotten nursery trees done like this, they ship the tree with no soil just bare roots and they do great once transplanted. Those look like they won’t have a big root ball so you might be in luck.
I was just thinking the same thing! Refreshing to see these days.You have a great attitude! A growth mindset.
New grower here, can anyone help my identify the cause of this browning on my leaves? It’s mostly showing up on the bottom leaves and seems to be progressing. It’s also affecting other plants as well. (I know that there are other issues present with the plants here but my main concern right now and for this post is the browning on the leaves) I’m afraid if it continues my plants won’t be able to photosynthesis properly as they get bigger. It’s worth noting that I am using miracle grow potting soil, soil ph 7, temps never reach above 75 at the most, low 60s at the least, have given no nutes(just letting them get what’s in the miracle grow already, & yes I know miracle grow is a nono but I didn’t start researching a lot on growing until it was too late) also believe I was overwatering in the beginning of my grow but I let the soil properly dry and have been maintaining better wet to dry practices. There were a few fungus gnats here and there for about a week but after letting the soil dry nicely and putting up some sticky traps I haven’t seen any more show up. I also did a soil drench with cold pressed neem, emulsified properly with dr bronners castile peppermint soap.( browning on leaves was showing up before I did this, plants seem to have had no ill effects from the neem soak) these plants are under a 1,000 watt led grow light, about 3 feet above the top. They are bag seed(from random seeds here and there I have found in good bud) lighting has been 24/7 from seed, just switched today to 18/6 as I suspect the 24/7 could be doing more harm than good. Another plant which I’ve almost given up on had this browning issue but it has progressed to nearly destroying the first 3 nodes of fan leaves to crispy brown dying leaves. I’m not including pics of it because I’m mostly concerned about saving my other plants. Please help, any and all advice will be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Thanks man. Definitely gonna do 18/6. Do you have an opinion on if I should feed them? Given the mg soil they are in I’ve been worried to do so. 1 other plant not pictured here has been clawing terribly from pretty early on, and I guess I was convinced it was nute burned from the mg soil. This is the plant I’m thinking about giving up on. Not gonna lie I’m kinda embarrassed by this one, not 100% sure what went wrong, but probably a combination of things given I’m a novice at this.
Pretty sure at this point it’s ph. But hell I’ve got a rifle with a scope would that work?All that ditching an leaf edges rolling up is not a good sign. You might want to get something so you can look at those leaves magnified. Let us know what you see.
Yes it is all pants. Some not as severe. I’ll put a pic up of all them below. Keep in mind the previous posts though where we’ve identified a ph issue.Are you getting problems with all your plants. Because from the pictures im fairly certain you have russet or broad mite issues. I hope im wrong because they are a serious issue. Good luck man.
Pretty sure at this point it’s ph. But hell I’ve got a rifle with a scope would that work?
What would work to check this?Cool. Just best to be safe. If its what im fearing you will keep getting issues that look like all sorts.
Not sure about the rifle scope, you need about 30 plus magnification.
Really you need a mini scope. Try with the rifle scope. If you have a smart fone zoom in as much as you can an take some pictures. Then zoom in when you view the pictures. Check underneath an above the leaves. Those pests if there there are very tiny an hardly move. But there are some tell tale signs like the leaf edges rolling an little ditches, an also this almost glossy wet look to the leaves when the infestation is bad, an a lot of leaves falling off bottom upwards. Fingers crossed its something else.What would work to check this?