Browning Spot Leaves and Dieing


Well-Known Member
i water them once a day, fertilize with miracle grow once a week. The new growth seems be be alright for a while but they are starting to get brown spots of the tips of the leaves.

They just slowly go dry and die



Well-Known Member
Not sure what soil your in or the breakdown of your nutes and strengths your using.
Things to do is first get your PH right.
If your in soil it should be around 6.0- 6.5.
Watering with correct ph water is a basic essential when growing.
You should also know the PH of your soil and your run off ph.
If PH is not correct you will lock out certain nutes.
Again this is a starting point. it's important to get the basics right to ensure trouble free growing.
Flush the plant with ph water, 3-4 times as much as pot size.
Let top inch of soil dry before re-watering.
Lay off the nutes until it recovers, MG is potent shit.
Are there nutes in your soil?


Well-Known Member
Most probably nute burn then, i Used MG with the fertilized soil
The soil is Richgro - Pro Mix Professional grade, with; Seasol - Natural dynamic growth stimulant tonic, Osmocote - Controlled Released Fertilizer, and EZI-WET premium soil wetting agent.

I have flushed the plants once with tap water, and will do again soon, and wont be using MG for a few more weeks till they are all 100% better.

I dont have a pH kit so ill go grab one of them soon and maybe some sorta filter for the water :D thanks for ur help

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Miracle grow is bad indoors. It too strong and has synthetic nutrient in it. Plus its time released. Very bad indoors! You need to flush with Clerex or Florakleen and use ph adjusted water for a while. If they recover switch to a complete veg nutrient like Peters fertilizer. The NPK is 20-20-20 which is basically 10-10-10 and thats whats recomended for veg and 10-30-20 for flower. Good luck. Hope they recover soon.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
When you use time released soil or nutes you have no control over the nutes your plants are getting. Marijuana likes certain nutes and too much of one thing locks out other things. Miracle grow is fine outdoors because its leached deep into the soil everytime you water or it rains. Inddoors it collects in the pots and causes lockout and stress and yield suffers big time. Get some tomatoe ferts for veg and some flower nutes if thats all thats available. Find something close to the recomended NPK and you will see a difference in the growth. But stay away from MG or any time released nutes indoors.