(bs) s.o.p.


Well-Known Member
Bullshit Standard Operating Procedure.

This video shows a search warrant served by the Columbia Mo. police department. The cops bust in this guys house in the middle of the night and shoot his two dogs (one a pit bull that was caged in the kitchen and the other a Corgi) with children in the home. it turns out that rather than a big time drug dealer, this guy had a small pipe with some resin in it, a grinder, and what the cops here call "a small amount of marijuana" (meaning less than a few grams). We here in Comlumbia want everyone to know what kind of police department we have here, check out our "finest" in action.



Active Member
that whipping dog almost broke my heart . i mean damn wtf is wrong with cops? they think that anything that moves and breaths is gunshot material?
wow. when i was raided more than one dipshit had his assault rifle aimed at my 3 year old yellow labrador. She barked and he shouted to calm the dog down or he would shoot. It didnt happen, but i think he would have enjoyed killing an innocent animal. Cops gotta get high too, sad part is it takes blood for them to get off. I hope he can afford a baller attorney