BTT 2nd Grow Bagseed Soil


Well-Known Member
Watered them today 2 gal with 1/2 tsp/gal of Micro,Grow,Bloom and dash of Superthrive. I wanted to wait another day or two, but going to be pretty busy around here and would not be able to tend to them as needed due to some visitors...


Active Member
i'd do some topping if i were you' looking WAYYY better then last time i checked keep it up bro the res might of just helped


Well-Known Member
Massive improvement there B.
They're looking great now, normal healthy plants ;).

What's your plan of attack now?


Well-Known Member
Watered today: 2 gal 1tsp/gal of Micro/Grow/Bloom and Superthrive pHed to 6.0

I upped the nutes some and added in 2 soft white CFL's 26w. Now a total of 133w of CFL. Also added a custom screen so I can sCRoG.

I won't be able to finish with the HPS at the new location, all CFL's. Its sad I know, but it's not feasible at the moment.



Well-Known Member
really beautiful plants man...if you want more wattage in there i know they sell 150 watt cfls at home thinking about adding a few to my grow...your girls look really good though props man


Well-Known Member
Those are 42W cfl's.. Don't go by the incandescent equivalency number.. They're good cfls though.. The higher the wattage, the more efficient they are..


Well-Known Member
It's starting to stink in here.. What a lovely smell.. Hooked up my can fan and filter, but it's just too loud.. Thinking of fimming or topping some of them as well..


Well-Known Member
Right on man, it great to see how well your plants are doing now, they're really taking off. I'm interested to see how the screen works out. Great job man:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Will see when I water in the morn and check the run off... That one is also is soil, and I water around 5.8 to 6.2 which could have an affect too, but there are 3 others in soil with no problems at all..


Well-Known Member
Yea, soil needs higher pH than soil-less mediums.. 6.2 would even be a little low.. Its because soil has microbes that tend to make things more acidic.. The plants actually do prefer hydro style pH, its just how it gets there thats different..


Well-Known Member
Watered today 2 gal @ 1tsp/gal of Micro/Grow/Bloom and dash of Superthrive pHed to 6.0; ppm of 700 (Roughly 500ppm in nutes, water has a ppm of 175..)

I forgot to check the runoff.. Will do next time I water in 3-4 days..

I see 12/12 time coming soon.. Another week or two.. Got to see how the screen is going to fill up..

Moved some tops around after watering:

And remember this mutant?

It's now growing 3 tops:



Active Member
hey btt good grow way to rescue those little babies! hopefully you'll get plenty of yield and a decent amount of females! sucks you cant use the hps to flower though. send it my way ill put it to use. hahah just kiddin cuz i had a male and am now currently plantless. ill get one in the ground soon though. good luck with the flowering process. and a quick question. how high up is ur screen? what does it do to your yields and can we get a pic of it from the side at all?


Well-Known Member
12/12 might be better sooner than that.. The screen will continue to fill up for a month or so.. It can get out of hand fast.. Luckily screens can be cut out if they need to be..


Well-Known Member
Screen is about 4-5" above the top of the cups. It increases yield by allowing more light to get the lower branches and it creates an even canopy instead of one main cola and smaller branches will popcorn buds..

I'll get ya a pic tom from the side.

I think you're right born, I'm going to wait a week and see where they are at.. Most of them are roughly 32 days old. Might flip them at 40 days..

I also am going to need to stack another tub on the bottom, cut a hole out of the one I have now so I can gain more height. I'm ok for now, but once 12/12 comes I know they are going to take off..

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who helped out along the way.. Would have given up by now if it wasn't for you guys!!


Well-Known Member
See I used to do scrog, but quickly learned that proper topping/training for your space can typically accomplish the same thing, just without the grief.. Smooth scrog grows are really nice, but when circumstances don't wanna play ball it can be hellish because everything is tangled through there like a mofo..


Well-Known Member
Ok so here's the deal.. I really want to set-up the HPS so I can flower these bitches under it. But it needs to be completely stealth. The closet it is in is my office, so my comp and shit is in there so the door can't be locked 24/7, just when I'm not around. Not many visitors here, but it needs to be quiet for when there are!

Also the closet isn't that big, smaller than the last one and I think is too small for the 600hps, but I'll make it work.

Here are some pics of the closet:

And an attic hole!! This will make it much easier to put the fan in the attic. I will just get a piece of plywood cut to size with a 4" hole and run the ducting through it. Then when I'm done just replace it with the original piece..

One thing thats going to be tough is light proofing it. Need something to cover the inside of the doors.. I do have some mylar left,, just hated messing with that stuff lol. And fan noise, that damn thing can be loud. I know hanging it with bungee cords or a rope with help minimize vibrations, but what about noise coming from the filter where air is being sucked in?? Maybe build some sort of box to enclose the filter in with a bunch of holes drilled in it? Just don't want to cut any CFMs....

Well if anyone has any suggestions let me know!!

Either way I look at it I still have to put in some more $$ to finish this grow. I'm going to have to get another rubbermaid to make the grow box taller, and some more lights come flowering.. So why not just throw up the HPS and finish in style?