Ok, I figured I'd give ya'll a coveted recipe I have. If you don't like it, or don't eat meat, fuck yourself. If you do, and enjoy cooking real deal recipes that take a little bit of time and shitload of love, this one's for you.
Here's a recipe for serious pappardelle bolognese. Not the red tomato based "meat sauce" that's fucking delicious in it's own right, but a real, old school ragu. Ask all questions you have and I'll help you along the way. Props to those who actually make it.
This is part I:
1 lb ground pork
1 lb ground beef
1 lb ground lamb
1/2 lb diced pancetta
1/2 lb chicken livers, puréed
4T butter
1 large onion, small dice
3 celery stalks, small dice
3 carrots, small dice
5 cloves garlic, minced
1/4c sage
1 bunch parsley
2 cups white wine
28oz can whole peeled tomatoes, chopped
1 cup milk
1 qt chicken stock, with 4 packages gelatine dissolved in it
Salt & pepper, obviously
Preheat oven to 300F.
In one pan, melt butter and render pancetta. In another pan, add all meats but livers, and cook until slightly browned over medium high heat. Season it well with s&p
Once pancetta is rendered and beginning to brown, add all veggies into the same pan with the pancetta. Leave the fat in, you'll strain it later.

It will look like this:
In the meat pan you want to take a potato masher and mash the shit up until it looks like this: you want small grains, individual, not large chunks. Add in the chicken liver you should have already puréed and take off the heat. Fold it together and season well.
Together you're looking to be like this
You can see the pink bits of liver still in this motherfucker. Once almost all liquid in the veggies have been reduced, mix the two shits together.
Now you'll add the liquids. Deglaze with the wine. Then add 1c milk, 1qt chix stock with 4 packets of gelatin dissolved in it, and 28oz tomatoes.
It will look like this:
Ok, now shove it in your oven set at 300 and set your timer for 3.5 hours.
That's the end of part 1