Bubbakush & Purple Kush grow


Active Member
i'll start with the veg room cuz the flower isnt done yet haha. 33 bubba kush and 12 purple kush clones, they are in soil. hydro table isnt set up yet... just a 4 foot flouro ballast, adding some more.

we built the veg room off of the flower roomwith a light proof small door, its fully insulated and has a floating floor so i can vent down. i even gots carpet:hump:

i'm using advanced nutrients grow/micro/bloom.
the flowering room is 10x5, i'll be using 3 1000 watt hps bulbs.



Active Member
i bought these clones...apparently i'll get my fingers chopped off if i mother them... ppl with their head up their ass lol


Active Member
i'm waiting on a skid of vortex fans that my buddy is getting, and also making aircooled hoods...i want the flower room done in 2 weeks.

other then that the babies are doing good...1 or 2 look like they wont make it...will post pics later

heres one of my last crop...



Active Member
yeah considering i didnt spend any money on the equipment it self, just material to build the room...i was given like 30 1000watt hps ballasts and like 75 bulbs...whole wack load of shit, i love being mekiss-ass


Active Member
ok so the thermostat is working now, temps are between 72 and 76. i lost one clone...the rest are lookin good.

i'm going to start on the flowering room in the next few days, waiting on the equipment and have to insluate.

i'll post more pics asap


Well-Known Member
TOP SUPERCROP and REPOT buddy them ladies look skinny but other than that nice. Can't wait till i have 30 plants


Active Member
doing good with the new lights, i've been lazy and broke to finish the flowering room but i got lots of space so i dont really care about when i flower...


Well-Known Member
awesome grow you have going man..Im growing one bubba right now..wish I could grow 30 of them!!

When you start flowering they are gonna love the 3 1000's you have for them!


Active Member
ok so i havent posted for a while, i'm never on and i'm lazy. things are looking pretty good, fighting mites, but otherwise good.
just got the rest of what i need for my flower room. 6'' and 8'' vortex fans, 38 special carbon, thermal mylar, just going with 3 batwing hoods for now, new 1000 watt hps bulbs,

i'll take pics when its set up, i'll also take pics of the babies as they are getting huge and will be some monsters!