Bubble bags. Hash makers question

Hand mix! At least the first run or two. I actually let the first draw just be cold water and gravity. The cleanest hash has no agitation at first. Then slightly. Get your trusty wooden spoon and stir it like a witches cauldron.
Ok so I’m going to have to get small vid off someone to watch next time one of you do this let me know step by step be damn good to see ..
alao I noticed in the site or other chat about this kinda thing one of you dropped up screen is its actual trim leaf an crap I figured it to be shit bud off the sides or the likes but you guys using literal leaf tip an crap of u used actual good flowers would the same process work ? It’s funny I said in the other chat they used to make oil street oil to smoke ofc from the very same thing you guys are using they said that it was better or as good as the flowers is it ?
Hand mix! At least the first run or two. I actually let the first draw just be cold water and gravity. The cleanest hash has no agitation at first. Then slightly. Get your trusty wooden spoon and stir it like a witches cauldron.
I do 12 runs. The first is only 30 seconds long. The key to good hash is COLD WATER. The less ice the better. It's just there to keep the water cold, not to really agitate the bud.
I'm in the Northeast and only make hash this time of year.
Rip Frenchy
About how long do you mix for? Is the washing machine is just a cycle? Do you mix the same amount of time for the second pass?
The timing largely depends on the quality of the product you’re working with. And it’s moisture content. If it’s bone dry and you can hand break it up then shorter cyckes. Like 3-5 minutes. Maybe by the last run you do 10 minutes.
If it’s alittle more moist and chunky maybe run it longer. But it’s an art. Theres something about just doing it and you’ll figure out your own method.
I try to think small.

1.Smallest temp water. At all times. This means you have a reservoir of 32.1f ice water to add on secoind runn. Never run lukewarm water into bucket then add ice. Just a few seconds of warm water pulls other bullshit besides trichs. A infrared temp gun is helpful here or any thermometer.

2. smallest agitation. This one is common sense. The more your beat it up the more plant matter. freezing temp and gravity are the hashmakers best friend
3. Least processed. I like my material chunky and broken up by hand if possible. Never a food orocessor.

and I always prefer less bags. I don’t know why besides not have 7 bags to run. Always did fine with one collection bag 220 or whatever

Then 45-73-110.
i love bubble hash, i got about a garbage bag of popcorn and sugar leaf to do. dont bother with a drill and a paddle youll beat the shit out of the material and hand mixing is too much labour just get the washing machine its cake 12 mins on/ 12 mins off then drain and sift. add more ice add more water 12 mins on/ 12 mins off. then drain and sift. you dont need a bunch of bags 220 to get rid of the garbage. 160 gets rid of more garbage. 120-25 keep all that. i just mix all the kief together and make temple balls. the thing i find most important in getting nice malleable hash is the temperature that you press it at 190-220f . im a big fan of frenchy cannoli. he likes to use a wine bottle to press his hash by hand. i had a great idea the other day for getting the perfect temp for my wine bottles i was gifted a sous vide and i use that to make a water bath at the perfect temperature for pressing and i rotate between two wine bottles. this is an 80 gram ball i made earlier this year.

A couple of other things I picked up along the way.

A syringe or pipette to rinse the resin into one pile when it's draining rather than it being spread over the filter making it a pain to collect.
After it's drained put the bag onto a sheet of kitchen roll, that pulls the remaining water from it.
Making it firm enough to pick up in one (fragile) lump.

Edit...To dry it, I spread it out and used the little spatula to break it into smaller and smaller pieces, I then put it into a oven bag and used my fingers to break up any remaining lumps to powder.
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I just picked these up from Amazon. I have a set of 1 gallon bags which I have only used a couple times. Figured 5 gallon would be easier, especially incorporating a small washer too.

I've wondered if the full mesh bags could be used in a washing machine, put the trim inside it then tie it off and put into a washer, the idea is the trim/waste stays in the bag and just the resin falls out with agitating.
A couple of other things I picked up along the way.

A syringe or pipette to rinse the resin into one pile when it's draining rather than it being spread over the filter making it a pain to collect.
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After it's drained put the bag onto a sheet of kitchen roll, that pulls the remaining water from it.
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Making it firm enough to pick up in one (fragile) lump.

Edit...To dry it, I spread it out and used the little spatula to break it into smaller and smaller pieces, I then put it into a oven bag and used my fingers to break up any remaining lumps to powder.
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I twist my bags with the hash still in them and squeeze as much water out as possible
I agree that hand mix is best, it’s more labor intensive, but you get a better product. I use a couple wooden salad spoons. Get lots of ice, it’s the key, the lower the water temp the better harvest tou get
About how long do you mix for? Is the washing machine is just a cycle? Do you mix the same amount of time for the second pass?
unless your doing a lot of runs, you can hand stir the slurry, about 20 minutes the first run, maybe 10 minutes stirring the 2nd run. I’ve tried using drills, and I don’t like the product, too green. A 10-15% return is good, 20% is excellent. It does depend on the quality of the buds/trim you start with. Also, have lots of ice!
i love bubble hash, i got about a garbage bag of popcorn and sugar leaf to do. dont bother with a drill and a paddle youll beat the shit out of the material and hand mixing is too much labour just get the washing machine its cake 12 mins on/ 12 mins off then drain and sift. add more ice add more water 12 mins on/ 12 mins off. then drain and sift. you dont need a bunch of bags 220 to get rid of the garbage. 160 gets rid of more garbage. 120-25 keep all that. i just mix all the kief together and make temple balls. the thing i find most important in getting nice malleable hash is the temperature that you press it at 190-220f . im a big fan of frenchy cannoli. he likes to use a wine bottle to press his hash by hand. i had a great idea the other day for getting the perfect temp for my wine bottles i was gifted a sous vide and i use that to make a water bath at the perfect temperature for pressing and i rotate between two wine bottles. this is an 80 gram ball i made earlier this year.

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You have beautiful balls. Thanks for the info
I've wondered if the full mesh bags could be used in a washing machine, put the trim inside it then tie it off and put into a washer, the idea is the trim/waste stays in the bag and just the resin falls out with agitating.
This is what i do. Keeps the machine from gunking up with plant material. Save money by buying a generic RV(portable, countertop) washing machine instead of the one targeted at hash makers. I upgraded the drain hose on mine to a smooth hose instead of corrugated. Seems like the corrugated would just collect and build up eventually.
I'm looking to get some bubble bags and try my hand at hash. I have a ton of popcorn from outdoor this year and I'm getting tired of butter.

What kind of bags are everyone using?

Full mesh, or just mesh bottom?

Are 8 bags necessary, or can I go 5?

For mixing I have a cordless drill and a paint mixer bit, is this too agressive?

Any insight is welcome. Feel free to answer questions I didn't ask
I just use a 220 bag and a couple of 45 bags.
But I make oil from my hash.
Also I have found that the zippered 220 wash bags are great.
I wash in a camp washing machine frenchy style.

Cordless drill might be ok for small batches but a plastic camp washer machine is awesome for it.

What I do is freeze my fresh bud then pack it lightly into vac bag and take out the air but don’t compress it then seal. Then freeze it.
Then when the bud and larf etc is properly frozen I take the vac bag and put it on my tile floor and tap the buds gently with a rubber mallet to make them explode.
Then I pour the exploded flowers into the 220 zipper bag to go into the ice wash.
I do three fifteen minute cycles per bag. After each cycle dump the water through another 220 bag and dump through the 45 to collect.
I have a couple of 45 bags so one can be in use and one can be in the freezer freezing each batch so it can be removed from the bag cleanly.

that’s the easiest way I have found.