bubble cloner with olivia's cloning solution?


i made a bubble cloner with 4 gallons of water with a ph of 5.8-5.9. i also have some olivia's cloning solution, should i use what the instructions say or should i use half strenght for the bubbler? it says to mix 6 oz per gallon. should i use 24 or 12 oz? what's the best way to clone using olivia's? is it compatible with the bubbler?

i read somewhere that if using a bubble cloner, not to put nutes. just plain water. is this really effective?

thanks in advance.:weed:
I just bought an 8 site areoponic cloneing machine and the instructions said to use a cloning solution. I've ordered a gal of olivias cloning solution from thier site ($25.00). I'm going to try it as water alone does not seem to be working. I'll let you know how I make out