Bubble Hash - Alpha Tech


Well-Known Member
What I did is I filled my jar quarter full with water, froze it. Now I can add my material and add more water too it and flip it. It has a ice lid on top now of my mason jar :-).

I would do another run soon but I'm waiting on my new bags, sold the last ones I had because the guy had liked my hash that much :-)


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah guys, next run I'm doing warmachines ice top, that'll be perfect! So, I just finished up the hash, I screwed up for sure but still got some. I used the 160u and 25u only and here's what I got back from 20g of just trim, no popcorn. Not sure how much it is but it looks good, I totally left it in the freezer way to long and since the lid exploded I had to do some damage control lol. I'm guessing around a gram or so

20150402_145903.jpg 20150402_145912.jpg 20150402_150554.jpg 20150402_150509.jpg


Well-Known Member
Right on man! It still came out great :) it's not quite dry yet but it's much more than I though, there's a bit on the parchment paper still too, so I think there will be at least 1.8ish which is killer! I'll update with the fully dry weight tomorrow 20150402_193541.jpg


Well-Known Member
HELP! What did I do wrong. Froze the bud in water. Thawed once, refroze. Thawed. Shook a little. Dumped in 45 bag inside of 190 bag. I see nothing in the 190 at all. I have never made bubble before, so all new to me.

What did I do wrong?????


Well-Known Member
HELP! What did I do wrong. Froze the bud in water. Thawed once, refroze. Thawed. Shook a little. Dumped in 45 bag inside of 190 bag. I see nothing in the 190 at all. I have never made bubble before, so all new to me.

What did I do wrong?????
Dude your suppose to put the 190 in the 45. So the material goes through the 190 first. The 190 will strain all the plant matter and junk allowing only water (full of trichomes) through and to the 45 bag. The 45 will allow only water through leaving you with some mud looking stuff on the screen. That's it ;-)



Well-Known Member
HELP! What did I do wrong. Froze the bud in water. Thawed once, refroze. Thawed. Shook a little. Dumped in 45 bag inside of 190 bag. I see nothing in the 190 at all. I have never made bubble before, so all new to me.

What did I do wrong?????
If your material is still in the 45 bag, put it back in the bucket with the same water, mix and set aside. Clean your 45 bag making sure no debris is left in it. Put the 190 bag IN the 45 and pour the material/water in the 190 bag.



Well-Known Member
HELP! What did I do wrong. Froze the bud in water. Thawed once, refroze. Thawed. Shook a little. Dumped in 45 bag inside of 190 bag. I see nothing in the 190 at all. I have never made bubble before, so all new to me.

What did I do wrong?????
Do what drcanna mentioned, rinse everything back into a bucket with using the same water and plant material. Then on another bucket but the 45u bag on first, then the 190u on TOP of the 45u and pour the water/trim into the 190u. Lift the 190u bag, squeeze the trim gently to get most of the water out. Clean the bag and set aside. Then lift the 45u bag up and your hash will be in the bottom. I set the bag over an upside down bowl so the screen sets on top of the bowl making it easier to collect the resin. I use the sprayer from the sink to spray gently the bag to collect all the hash from the sides of the bag and collect them to the middle of the screen, then I scoop it up with a spoon. Good luck man, sorry you had a bad experience :/ It must be in the air with my jar exploding :p

The dry weight of the hash I got dried out quite a bit more to 1.4g. I pressed it with a hot water bottle, looks great! Will upload a pic soon 8-)


Well-Known Member
That's what I just did but still nothing. Wonder if I should refreeze? Totally bummed right now.
Hmm, that is weird! Was the trim completely submerged under water? Did you use sugar leaves/ popcorn buds? No fan leaves or anything like that that doesn't have trichomes on it?


Well-Known Member
When I redid, I was dumb and didn't remix the bud (it was all bud) with the water. I just poured it over. IN any case, I refroze and will rethaw shortly. Unfortunately, I was using a 5 gal bucket for brewing and forgot the spigot was open, so I lost a little of the water.

First time is a learning experience for everything. That's why I only used a little :-)


Well-Known Member
Right on bud, you'll get it next time, break up the Buds decently (more surface area for trichs to come off) but don't use a grinder, fingers or scissors work best, doesn't need to be really fine or anything, just broken up decent. If ya need any tips just ask brotha, we will have you collecting hash in no time :)

Here's the hash I made yesterday and pressed today, I usually don't press it but wanted to see how it looked

IMG_20150402_233908-1.jpg 20150402_233531.jpg


Well-Known Member
Well it worked, sort of. I got a very small amount that is drying now. Still it was a relief to see something in the bag :-) Next time I shall break up thy bud a bit first and be better prepared :-)


Well-Known Member
I'll try to take pics of my latest iceblock in the jar. So far it looks like no explosion!

Looks great pressed! 1.4g is a good number!


Well-Known Member
Awesome man! Can't wait to ttry it with the ice top. Just tried the pressed hash and it's freaking tasty and bubbly. I'm not noticing any loss of terps to be honest. Taste is amazing and smooth


Well-Known Member
You'd be surprised that even a little hash has more of a weight then bud, my 1.4g piece is maybe the size of a quarter after all dry and pressed. If it wasn't pressed it's only enough to roll a decent size joint, but the hash goes a long way, I just smoked a little piece the size of a couple grains of rice and I'm feeling good!

Well it worked, sort of. I got a very small amount that is drying now. Still it was a relief to see something in the bag :-) Next time I shall break up thy bud a bit first and be better prepared :-)