Bubble Hash Making Question


New Member
i'm trying to make bubble hash but i'm not using trim, i have like 3-4 ounces of dried natural hemp (like ditch weed)and i heard that there is some thc in hemp but not much, is it possible to make hash with hemp? how many grams of bubble hash should i expect? i'd say i have 80-100g of hemp


Well-Known Member
I don't have any Info but if you try it and it works post it up here becaue I have literally thousands of pounds at my disposal and have always wondered about making bubble out if this wild weed that growa everywhere around my house. Thanks


Well-Known Member
does anyone have any info on this?? :roll:

Can you see any trichomes? If you can't you will probably get very little and shitty quality.
Bubble hash does not get the thc out of the plant material, it gets it from the outside of the plant material.
Shit in, shit out.
