bubble hash question??


New Member
ok, so im making bubble hash and im mixing all the ice, water, and trim. ive been stirring for about 10min, how long should i stir it for / how long do i let it sit. - - -

- - and once i put in through the screens how long should i let the water sit in the screens before pulling them up and straining the water through??



Active Member
It depends a lot on how much is in there. Anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes with your average batch, same again with letting it settle. Just pull the bags up, rinse and repeat with fresh ice water.


New Member
i have about 80-100 grams mixing in a 5 gallon bucket, im going to strain all the plant matter out and then i have 1gallon bubble bags to strain the water thru. i'lll probably have to do about 6 runs, how long do u think each run thru the 1gallon bags will take to settle/strain?


Active Member
It does not take long with anything above the 73 micron, basically if it does take a while the bags are not clean enough. With the smaller micron you can be waiting a while. Did you get a catch bag with your bubble bags?


New Member
the bags are brand new so they are clean, i did get a cacth bag but it was 1gallon size and i felt like mixing in a 5 gallon to get all the mixing done at once. i have a bag inside the 5gal bucket which is the same material as the bubble bags and i just put alot of super small drain holes in the bottem.


Active Member
the bags are brand new so they are clean, i did get a cacth bag but it was 1gallon size and i felt like mixing in a 5 gallon to get all the mixing done at once. i have a bag inside the 5gal bucket which is the same material as the bubble bags and i just put alot of super small drain holes in the bottem.
Sounds a bit suspect, it might lead to little bits of green contaminating the first bag. I would mix it in the 5 gallons and carefully pour through the 1 gallon bag, should be cleaner. Maybe the next run you should think about upgrading to the 5 gallon bags?


New Member
yeah im going to upgrade to 5 gallon, i ust strained the 220 and the 160 and got nothing as expected, im about to strain the 73 and 25 soon, thanks for the help fxbane