Bubble Hash vs Bud


hi guys

I just recently harvested my first plant I've ever grown.
I've hung her buds and saved all the crystally leaves and made some bubble hash

I just smoked some of the hash I made about an hour ago. I smoked 5 hits worth (less than half a dime coin of hash in the bong) and I am so stoned I had to lay down because I felt unbalanced, I've eaten 7 croissants and made brownie batter (awesome).

It feels similar to when you do a mini trip on edibles.
This is my first time smoking straight hash so I didn't know what to expect

My question is, Is the high I'm getting from my bubble hash going to be comparable to the high from my buds

I realize not as "strong" because hash is all trichome but for instance if my bubble hash were to make me feel "stoned" and "couchlocked" not "uppity" does that mean my bud would be a couchlock high? or can they be different?


Well-Known Member
In my experience it is similar. Now I just mix all the trim and under developed buds from different plants into the same batch for hash. It's like a surprise every time!


In my experience it is similar. Now I just mix all the trim and under developed buds from different plants into the same batch for hash. It's like a surprise every time!

That hash got me so high! I am still buzzing 12 hours after my last hit. I had a hard time falling asleep though, I felt like I was in a loop and I couldn't stop thinking about stuff I had to do today.

At one point it sounded like there was a helicopter hovering right above my roof, I got paranoid because I believed it to be real. But then I heard what sounded like a Nascar race happening in my front yard... So I realized then that maybe there wasn't a helicopter at all maybe it was just a noise outside that my mind was exaggerating.

I was able to finally try my new water bong, I have never used one with an ice chamber before and man what a difference!


Does anyone know if it is better to light hash with a butane torch/regular lighter/hemp wick?

I thought the torch burned it too fast, The hemp wick wouldn't stay lit long enough to keep it burning but using the lighter tasted gross compared to the other two