Bubble Hash with Trim/Tiny Buds


Active Member
I have watched and done my own research so i know the basics.

Wanted to get some help on making bubble hash.

Got a 4 bag bubble bag kit 220u, 160u, 75u and 25u.

i have 5 kilos of ice thinking to get another 5.

any help advice or links to check out would be highly appreciated.
Consider using more bag's, 120 and 90, put trim and bud's in refrigerator 2 to 3 days before running. Don't use smaller cubes. the more jagged the better. I freeze 1 gallon bottles of distilled water, and then beat the hell out of them to break them down into chunks.
Nothing better than homemade bubble hash. Enjoy.
Okay, well i have made my bubble hash.. quite green ran it for longer than i should have.. oh well first time. how to i get it into a ball.. its sitting on the press sheet that comes with the bubblebags
Throw it in the freezer then push it through a metal flour strainer with a spoon onto some parchment. I would do it ASAP, you will not get it to dry properly or you will end up with some gnarly hash chunks.

The strainer will powderize everything and give you an even dry. Also the freezer will get it off your screen.

If it was me, I would throw it back on the a bubble bag stretched over a 5gal bucket and try to use a sprayer to wash out the green.