..Bubble Hash..


Well-Known Member
Didn't I post pics?

Yes I've had the 5 gallon set for 3 years. There is a technique to emptying the 25 micron bag in 1 minute.

Is there a link to that trick? I'd like to hear/read about it because it sure is a bitch waiting for that thing to drain. The set I bought has a 10 micron bag, and i decided to not use it, because i figured I'd be there for a week waiting for it to drain. :lol:

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Is there a link to that trick? I'd like to hear/read about it because it sure is a bitch waiting for that thing to drain. The set I bought has a 10 micron bag, and i decided to not use it, because i figured I'd be there for a week waiting for it to drain. :lol:

I'll post a video of me doing it. I just discovered it one day.

In a nutshell you take the 25 micron bag ok, hold it in the sink. It's all in the "jerking" motion. You hold the top, lift and kinda of jerk the bag. It forces the water through the screen. It's hard to explain. Works great, I used to "milk" the bag I tried hanging it. The cold water really hurts your hands after a bit also. I still have one load of hash to run and I'll post a video for you when I make it.:mrgreen:
I bought the bags to see what the hype was about and went back to making iso hash as it hits so much better. I dont need different grades of hash and the bags give me two grades normally and the taste is nothing compared to the iso. I will probably start an argument but maybe you should just try one jar full of popcorn buds for iso and then get the bags so you can compare. I use the 91% iso as it evaps faster than the 70. After the iso hash evaps in my glass pan I like to mix another batch and pour on top of the previous so it comes out thicker. I have yet to make ice hash that is as strong as the iso with lots of oil and gooey full melt couch lock hash. Let us know what you ended up doing
how do you make hash with the iso method? i just made some with ice and water

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I mean that if it's crumbly dry then you will get some green material in your hash. I like mine pure. When you wash the weed it should look like coffee with cream, if its greenish then it was too dry.
Thats what i thought you meant but i just wanted to clarify, ya my lemon skunk is dried but its def not crumbly dry, i would say its about as dry as a normal bowl ground up. But ill be sure to keep that in mind, for future reference should i have not grinded the lemon skunk up and just left it or do you usually grind it up?

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Didn't I post pics?

Yes I've had the 5 gallon set for 3 years. There is a technique to emptying the 25 micron bag in 1 minute.
ya you posted pics for sure and it did look mighty good, i was actually reffering to the person that posted that link to see if they had used bags from that company, sorry for the misunderstanding


Well-Known Member
how do you make hash with the iso method? i just made some with ice and water
I use only the sweet leaves or leaves trimmed from the bud, normally not even full fan leaves just nice frosty leaves with lots of trichs. I always trim my buds over a large platter style plate and normally can allow the leaves to dry on the plate as well, once nice and crumbly I carefully put the leaves and popcorn buds into a mason jar and then while holding it sideways I stick my sciccors in there and start cutting so it is not so fluffy in the jar. The reason I put everything in the jar before cutting up is to contain all trichs, the plate also is very sticky so I let it dry as well and then scrape it and toss the keif or whatever it is called at this stage into the jar as well and freeze over night. I only use the 91% iso propyl alcohol as it contains only 9% water and evaporates very fast. I have a large glass or pyrex baking tray thats I guess is 6x14 that I use to evaporate. I take the mason jar from freeze and pour enough alcohol in there to cover the trimmings by at least 1/4 inch then put the top on and shake like a mfer for about 1 min ( you dont want to shake longer as you will get too much chlorophyl) I have a plastic coffee filter that I picked up for 1$ which has the perfect screen size and is reusable. I pour the wet trimmings through this coffee filter then squeeze it out and toss it all. I never do second runs with alcohol. I place the pyrex under a small 9 inch fan and blow accross the surface to fast dry it and then I can scrape the pan and its lovely lovely hash. Sometimes I either toss in some hash from my last batch into the alcohol and let it melt again and thicken the new batch, I also toss my keif in there from my keif box if I have some. I normally dont scrape it fully clean so there is always some left to add to the next batch when I pour another batch of alcohol into the pan I make sure to rub the edges to melt it back into the new batch. usually the hash is nice and tan when scraped and as I smash it together it becomes nice and black and I can cut it with a razor blade as its soft but sometimes if I allow it to dry overnight can be nice and hard and is perfect on top of bong hits as it melts and is sure to melt someones face as the nasal passages tickle and burn a bit. I love packing a nice party bowl on the bong with lots of widow and widow hash. I just harvested 5 Lowryder 2 and cannot wait to taste the hash it makes, they smell so spicy compared to the sweet widow. Also forgot to mention that I scrape the sciccors and toss that in the mix as well sciccor hash hits are awesome but I just toss it all in the mix so it adds more trichs and is all thats left after the evaporation. It does not produce much at a time but is awesome if you keep your very sweet leaves seperated from normal trim and only use this to make the iso. Always comes out full melt for me, I have gotten to much trash I think when I have attempted the ice hash but I am going to invest in one of the washing machines and do it bigger next time

I have a question. Just did outdoor, it was a Sativa backyard which didn't get enough light and the rains came too early, no density at all. Said fuck it, i'm not trimming this shit, hung, dried, stripped all the buds off the stems, sitting in a black plastic bag now.

You suggest not powdering the material, I was thinking I would definitely need to chop/break it up. Food processor overkill? I have one of those garden groom pro hedge trimmer's, I can probably run it all into that, or do you think that would agitated it too much?

Would you suggest I just keep it as is and wash it as buds?