Bubblebag standard review


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I have looked everywhere for info on bubblebag standard sets of bags. Anything other than what was on their site and could not find anything anywhere. I figured Google would know something....wrong!!
So I bit the bullet and bought some and also got ahold of the good guys at freshheadies and asked about doing a review for them on these bags as there was no other info on this particular sets. The guys got back to me and sent out a review kit for me and it should be here in the next week.
While waiting for the kit I have received the purchased set and can say they are of top notch quality. The stitching is very good and I have used original bubble bags as well as all mesh wacky willies ( which I shouldn't even have mentioned in my opinion) . The standard bags seem to be identical to the originals to me, the sidewalls are suppose to be half as heavy or thick whichever. I couldn't tell any difference between them in any aspect. I bought them because the screens and thread used for stitching are identical in the two sets. You save money because they use lighter material of the same quality and give you a different storage bag.
I have pictures from opening them up and all of what comes in the kit as well as pictures of fabric and stitching as well as screens. I will post them up with pictures of runs done when I continue my review. I may possibly take a video also, not sure yet.
So all you hash fans stay tuned. This thread may be what you are looking for if looking into a new set of bubble bags. They are a little lower price from the originals and better quality than most competitors I have seen or used. I have done lots of batches with multiple types of bags and different strains and will give my unbiased opinion. If there is a problem with them I will let you know, but so far so good.
Apologies for being long winded but have to explain the next posts to come and why I am doing it. I have about 6-8 batches to run in my five gallon set and have already done 6 so there will be pictures of the process and end results. I am just waiting g for the review kit to arrive before I go all out, also I am working until Monday..OK one picture of one batches results with first run at the top... yes I did five because the quality was still there as you can see from the white lady 45 micron!!DSCN5019.JPG DSCN5018.JPG
At last,I have never saved my trim until this last grow,want to try making bubble hash,and have looked at a lot of bags.And like you say almost no information.Good for you.Look forward to the posts.
Well anything I have found about the cheaper sets like on Amazon and eBay is that the micron sizing is way off on most and the ones I am reviewing are suppose to be within one micron. And the cheaper ones screens are made of material that swells in water also. I will say in my opinion don't waste your money on wacky Willy's bags. Or any all mesh bags.
Thanks for posting so quickly to my start.
Hopefully this becomes a popular thread.... I am getting a four bag kit to review from them but here are a couple pics of my 8 bag set I bought. Might help you decide on which ones. All 8 fit the bucket nicely and stitching is great..DSCN5007.JPG DSCN5014~2.JPG DSCN5009.JPG
I can already see a big difference in those bags and the others.They don't look like onion bags.What is the difference in the four bag set and eight bag set.See I am already confused,.
I bought a cheapy set off feebay for $22 shipped for an 8 bag set. I used all 8 bags the first time until I saw the quality of the first 4 bags. :spew:
I only run the last 3 bags now. I've likely done 30-40 runs with my cheap bag set. It paid for itself the first time I used it, and you cant beat the quality bubble hash produced from using only water and ice. No flamables or trace chemicals in the final product FTW.
Also, to help dry your hash better -instead of using parchment paper to dry on, keep it on your 25 micron press screen and use a towel under the screen. The towel wicks the moisture from the hash as it dries allowing it to dry in half the time. Once dry enough to touch/move, set it on a piece of cardboard to finish drying.
It is waxed paper and I put it on there until I am ready to put it all on the blotting screens, this way it stays wetter until I am ready. That way it doesn't stick to it. After it is ready and powdered up ready to dry it goes in coffee filters with micron and run labeled on them to dry. It doesn't take long. I had about 10 grams of premium from 110 to 25 with that run.
Oh yea, hydro red. I did get hash with my cheaper bags but not the same quality nor amount, also I would get a lot more contaminants in my hash. The bags clogged up after 6 or so batches and I could not get them clean even with 99% ISO.
With the bubble bags there is no problem with slow draining bags. I never stir for long nor use any mixer or drill. I use a broom handle and stir 5 min for 3 runs and go 7 after if the material will produce without breaking down.
I mix in a separate bucket, I probably haven't used the bags you have either. I do know ppl who have had to squeeze their bags to drain them and they were Amazon purchased not sure of the make. He also had particles of material from the bags in his product.
The stitching on the bb is very well done and durable. I haven't used or seen any that match them yet. I know of some that are suppose to be comparable but haven't seen them.
I haven't had issues with contaminants in mine yet and have never had to squeeze mine either. When they squeeze is likely how they are getting contaminants in their hash. You only force things that would normally be screened to fit through where it shouldn't. I too dont use anything but elbow grease and a 3' wooden sledge handle that is all sanded smooth. I clean my screens in the bags with iso every 3-4 runs or so. The only bag that really runs slow is my last bag, but thats to be expected.
I only need water to clean my screens. Good buy for you I guess then. They said they had to squeeze due to slow drainage. Either way I will post back with more when I get going again. Looks like ppl still like bubble. I have been eyeballing an e nail for my bubble as well..
I bought a cheapy set off feebay for $22 shipped for an 8 bag set. I used all 8 bags the first time until I saw the quality of the first 4 bags. :spew:
I only run the last 3 bags now. I've likely done 30-40 runs with my cheap bag set. It paid for itself the first time I used it, and you cant beat the quality bubble hash produced from using only water and ice. No flamables or trace chemicals in the final product FTW.
Also, to help dry your hash better -instead of using parchment paper to dry on, keep it on your 25 micron press screen and use a towel under the screen. The towel wicks the moisture from the hash as it dries allowing it to dry in half the time. Once dry enough to touch/move, set it on a piece of cardboard to finish drying.
what brand?
Hey guys, work weeks done at last. I am just waiting for my kit to arrive. I did run One more batch of another kind a couple days ago. There wasn't much good anywhere except 120 to 45. Mostly 45, I think the white bag is my new favorite. I use to like the 73 best of all. I took a few pictures and will post them up sometime soon. I did the absorbent cloth under the blotting screen to put the wet hash on right after the bags then froze it before crumbling to dry.
But in new news I had gotten a couple bags with minor flaws, one was the bottoms had one less row of stitches but was still completely tight and fairly strong just not made as it was suppose to be , also I had a small bit of screen showing past the material sewn around the bottom. I contacted them and sent pictures and they sent me out replacements no problem so customer service is excellent as well. These guys stand behind their products and sell "QUALITY" and want it to be just that that the end user gets.
Just thought I would throw that in there while waiting for the review and bump this post up a little bit.
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what brand?
They are called "Grow Your Own" but I think the company is called something else now since the website bounces to another storefront. I have ZERO complaints about this bag set. Nothing cheap about them so far after probably 30-40 runs with them. No fraying threads/torn screens or unraveling etc. One of the better $22 purchases I've made in yrs.
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They do t look too bad. I have done around d 20 runs through my bags already and not any problem. Your screen looks like it is staining or getting plugged with those brownish spots on the screen. Either way good price, but have you checked your screens mesh sizing? A lot of screens are off on micron sizing, as well what material is the screen made of?
They do t look too bad. I have done around d 20 runs through my bags already and not any problem. Your screen looks like it is staining or getting plugged with those brownish spots on the screen. Either way good price, but have you checked your screens mesh sizing? A lot of screens are off on micron sizing, as well what material is the screen made of?

Ya, theres remnants still in the sreen from the last run.They get cleaned with iso every 3-4 run. How are you effectively cleaning your bags with just water?
I've never checked the screen mesh sizing. Not really that particular about it since its a $22 dollar bag set & I dont use anything but the last 3 bags anyways. No clue what the screen is made from either. I'm curious, -how are you measuring the screens?
When I pull a bag I immediately put it in an empty bucket and have a squirt bottle and a pour bottle. I turn edges of the bag down over the bucket just like when you put them in before running them. Then I push down some raising the bottom up some. Then rinse off the sides with the pour bottle and push down more raising the screen near the top of the bucket and sucking water out if any is present. Then I spray my squirt bottle and wash all the hash from the edges to the center. Push down sucking out the water I put in and scoop it up. Then remove the bag leaving it inside out and rinse the screen in the bubble water in the bags waiting to be pulled. Then run them to my utility sink and rinse them with cold water thoroughly. Then hang them to dry.
Doing all this with all ice cold water keeps the resin from becoming sticky. Also rinsing the sides and spraying besides keeping everything cool gives the screen a pre wash before the next rinse in bucket and then washed in the sink. The material your screen is made from makes the big difference here because the material if not the heat stamped monofilament will possibly swell with water and also allow the resin to stick easier. This is from my wacky bag experience. I will post pics sometime of them after about 20 runs they look ten years old.
. Now for measuring the mesh you need to look with a macro/magnifyer and a micrometer and look and measure I believe to tell and figure it out. Google it an you will see a post comparing screens rated at the same microns from two different sets and one is out by around 50-60 microns on a bag that was suppose to be an excellent resin bag. The material used on the bubble bags is suppose to be within 1 micron and stay the same size because it is heat stamped and monofilament which if not going to absorb water and I believe is of medical grade.
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