Bubblebag standard review

When I pull a bag I immediately put it in an empty bucket and have a squirt bottle and a pour bottle. I turn edges of the bag down over the bucket just like when you put them in before running them. Then I push down some raising the bottom up some. Then rinse off the sides with the pour bottle and push down more raising the screen near the top of the bucket and sucking water out if any is present. Then I spray my squirt bottle and wash all the hash from the edges to the center. Push down sucking out the water I put in and scoop it up. Then remove the bag leaving it inside out and rinse the screen in the bubble water in the bags waiting to be pulled. Then run them to my utility sink and rinse them with cold water thoroughly. Then hang them to dry.
Doing all this with all ice cold water keeps the resin from becoming sticky. Also rinsing the sides and spraying besides keeping everything cool gives the screen a pre wash before the next rinse in bucket and then washed in the sink. The material your screen is made from makes the big difference here because the material if not the heat stamped monofilament will possibly swell with water and also allow the resin to stick easier. This is from my wacky bag experience. I will post pics sometime of them after about 20 runs they look ten years old.

Thats exactly how I clean mine and just plain ice water dont cut it.

Well anything I have found about the cheaper sets like on Amazon and eBay is that the micron sizing is way off on most and the ones I am reviewing are suppose to be within one micron.]

Now for measuring the mesh you need to look with a macro/magnifyer and a micrometer and look and measure I believe to tell and figure it out. Google it an you will see a post comparing screens rated at the same microns from two different sets and one is out by around 50-60 microns on a bag that was suppose to be an excellent resin bag.

By your other posts you imply as though you already knew how to check the micron size and had already been doing so on your bags is why I asked.
just as a blurry reference, this is a "ruler" that came with my usb microscope, the scale on the lower right is microns in intervals of 100. the screen i'm taking a pic through in the second pic is speedball #110 silkscreen material. it looks pretty close to 100 microns.
just bought a cheap set of bubblebags, when they arrive, i'll measure and post pics. in the meantime, i'll look for a scale with more useful increments on it, can't really measure anything under 100 and have to guess between 1-200100_2379.JPG Mon Nov 21 17-31-16.jpg
I have not measured, I know how to and have seen from other ppl the bubble bags are close as you can get, I don't have a microscope nor a micrometer. Also maybe your screens aren't monofilament and are clogging.
And shrubber you are on the right track I believe.
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OK, I finally got my review kit yesterday! Apparently the address got a bit wrong and got resent to them. They sent it back out and make it to me. I have some pictures I will put up and within the next week or so I will be doing g a run with the kit they sent to show the product off. Keep her eyes peeled for the end results here when I am done.
OK, bad news.... I fell and broke my hand at work. So unless someone has a donation washing machine there will be no stirring for me until after I heal up... Sorry guys. I took pictures of the review kit and will post up sometime though.
I would but I know what I am like….. I will end up trying to use for something. I already reset it and fixed the joint myself before I went to the hospital. They said it was straightend out good. Just lucky I didn't need surgery. So I will be nice to it till it starts healing at least.
Here is a video of a quck review I did. I will prob put more up later. The channel is going to be for growing and reviews of products, lights and testing so please like and subscribe to the channel. spread the word.
