bubbleheads member needs ya. 6 1/2 wks 12/12


New Member
Had a quick question about way MAY be a problem.. It started as purple then turned to the yellow. Its only on that one and one other leaf everything is in check as far as ph temp humidity food all that. It just isn't uniform enough to make me think its natural so I thought I'd get a few opinions... Any help is appreciated.
http://s725.photobucket.com/albums/ww254/erkelsgoo420/Mobile Uploads/?action=view&current=IMG00804.jpg

http://s725.photobucket.com/albums/ww254/erkelsgoo420/Mobile Uploads/?action=view&current=IMG00803.jpg


New Member
Ps that's the worst one so I'm not freakin out just more curious. They usually start yellowing around now its just not as uniform as it usually is and they're 5.5 weeks in not 6.5 sorry lol


I'm no expert but it looks like the start of potassium deficiency (K), but if it is at the end of the grow I would expect it start loosing color, oddly enough manor as it is.

You should copy the post to bubbleponics...


Does the light get close to that part of the plant?

Almost looks like heat damage.

need more info, maybe pic of whole plant too


erkle you are definitley experiencing magnesium or like dude sad potassium def. its def not burn, stress or light burn, try adding something higher in these necesary nutrients and lowering something like maybe nitrogen to balance it out,hope this helps

ps looks more like mag to me


New Member
Gave them a good dose of bloom. The ph crept to 6.0 so I topped off with a little 5.5 with nutes should clear them up. I don't think its mag I actually upped their calmag to 45ml or so last time.


He said it was only two leaves....

Makes me suspect outside influences.

But like i said, not enough info for a true diagnoses.


New Member
Its definetly not light burn there are buds and leaves 3 inches from the bulb that are just fine these are at least 6 inches from the light.here's the nug belonging to the fan leaf. U can kinda see the fan leaf with the deficiency in the background http://s725.photobucket.com/albums/ww254/erkelsgoo420/Mobile Uploads/?action=view&current=IMG00799.jpg
Here's both plants but its not the greatest pic. They're all vigorous and happy just those two leaves
http://s725.photobucket.com/albums/ww254/erkelsgoo420/Mobile Uploads/?action=view&current=IMG00801.jpg


I'm stumped.

Your plants look generally healthy. Most deficiency/nute lockout show symptoms on either the new growth or the older growth. But never just TWO leaves.

If no others leaves get the same look then your fine and it will just have to remain a mystery.

But if any more leaves start looking that way it should be more apparent what they are lacking.

Anyone else have an idea?