Bubblelicious,How Am I Doing?


Active Member
Looking great so far. Its time to get in soil, here's what I do. From seed, I plant the seed into a rockwool cube and bury it half way into the pot its going to grow in. When it begins to sprout I just add a little dirt around it and bam!! its good and no chance of damaging it during transplant. Not if you have a cloning station like I do this process is not possible, I have 12 veg plants /15 clones and 14 flowering, space is an issue for me.


Active Member
Cloning is an advanced growing technique which means taking a clipping of approx 3 inches off a female plant and putting it inside a rockwool or other medium with rooting gel. This just starts roots and gives you a new seperate plant. This is how the Shops around town get their plants.


Well-Known Member
oh alright thank you for explaining,most people here make a big story and never answer the question and think they're smart hahahaha. how much more time will my plant need for cloning. sorry im asking so much questions,but i learn easy and i pick up fast like in my martial arts :D


Well-Known Member
I like Buddah seeds,
The red dwarf an white dwarf are killer!
Bet you wont be let down with her.


Well-Known Member
i know,the buddah seed at its like first day and a half look better then my 3 day old plants. I can tell already they are good quality,thanks for looking at the forum.


Well-Known Member
hey guys im using 2 cfl 1oo watt daylight bulbs,i have them like 2 inches apart from the plants,is this any good? if u need pics i can post em,thank you


Active Member
Plants looking good bro. Here's a little advice: when you do transplant, bury the stem all the way up to the petioles. Believe it or not, any part of the stem in the dirt will get roots. Believe me, you want to do this as it will help your plant grow vigorously... wait until the second set of leaves are from half an inch to an inch and at that point, you should have those stems as stretched out as possible + you'll have a strong root ball that will quickly take up to it's new shoe. Thoroughly water the soil/medium you'll be using to transplant a night before so there is as little shock to your plants as possible. One more thing, those 100 watt CFLs are not the best watt per lumen choice (it's posted everywhere). Your best bet is a bunch of 26/27 watt CFL as they put out the most lumens per watt out of any size available to date (I can be stood corrected). Look into the whole CFL thing and your plants will thank you.

Rep for getting in there and doing it ^_^


Well-Known Member
Anybody know what Nutes from FF i can use for the Vegg stage. Plants are like 3 weeks old. Let me know what nutes yall use. Or Some Jacks Nutes


Well-Known Member

Fox Farms-Grow Big

Tiger Bloom

Open sesami

Cha Ching

Beastie bloom

Big bloom
Not such a noob so which one of these i use for vegg. Rather have personal expirience to tell me. Rep+ for the person that tells me