Bubblelicious, New York Power Diesel, and Super Skunk in DWC


Well-Known Member
Looking forward to it Bob. Your luck finally turned around. I hhad a little luck myself, I have never seen a plant flower so fast as my Mango has. Get on top of that update though, no stegulating, wating in anticipation to see how it all turned out.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Looking forward to it Bob. Your luck finally turned around. I hhad a little luck myself, I have never seen a plant flower so fast as my Mango has. Get on top of that update though, no stegulating, wating in anticipation to see how it all turned out.
Will do buddy, although it's not that much new stuff - just a couple of modifications to the flowering tent and the veg tent getting overrun, mainly by the super skunk.

The update from a few days ago (#308) is the one with the most "goodness", IMHO.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Seems as though the temps in the tent run about 12 degrees over the ambient room temp with just the fan cooling the light, which I can definitely work with (those temps are about 8" directly under the light, so can even take 3 or 4 degrees off that for what they'll be at the plant canopy).

With the exhaust/intake fans running they're about six degrees over ambient temp.

All quite acceptable to me.

Just one little issue that I'm having now, and that's with my CO2 - I'm guessing that the loud hissing sound that I hear is not too good, and probably indicates that my regulator is not on there tight enough.

The PPM went from 400 before I turned it on to "1250" then to "2475" and then to "CO2 Too High" within a matter of about four seconds.

Anyways, gonna go detach the regulator/solenoid/whatever the fuck it's called from the tank and then re-tighten it with the tool that you use to tighten things (not pliers, the other thing).

Anyways, just wanted to give you guys a heads up that if you never hear from me again that I died from CO2 inhalation and that you're all welcome to sue Titan on my behalf.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
I'm alive, just needed to tighten it.

All's working well now - just waiting on this fucking RO filter to get delivered.

The day that happens I'm gonna put the clones in the tent to veg 24/7 and try to catchup to where the seedlings are.


Well-Known Member
About the lack of updates; been busy making progress and taking lots of pics, but I've misplaced my USB cord for my camera.

Will do a full update (a big one) with pics as soon as I find it - long story short, my veg tent is a fugging jungle and I need my RO filter to get here ASAP.

Flowering tent is 100% setup, just running some tests and whatnot on it now.

Right on my friend! Can't wait to see this work of art!

Burn on!:peace:bongsmilie


*Disclaimer: This is all purely fictional and for the reader’s enjoyment.
**This is a wordy post.
Well ladies and gents, after a ten year hiatus to pretend to do grownup things, I’m back in the saddle……….got some seeds from some killer weed which will be going into the system first to make sure all systems are go, and I also have Bubblelicious, New York Power Diesel, and Super Skunk going right now (germed about five days ago after receiving from Nirvana about a week after my order).
First lemme give you a rundown of what I know, and then I can talk about my setup a little bit.
So this will be about my sixth or seventh grow – I first started growing in college, and almost always on a shoestring budget and trying to (out of necessity) make things do things that they were not designed or capable to do. First few grows were in soil and the last two or three were bubblers, and I learned a lot, although not as much as I could’ve with the proper capital to really get up and running. So, I know what I’m doing for the most part, but am not as familiar as I’d like to be with CO2 and nutrient schedules (although I’m sure that most things I knew ten years ago about nutes would be obsolete, anyway).
Got laid off a few months ago like many others in my industry, and figured what better time to grow some weed, and be able to do it the right way this time with money not being so much of a constraint.
So, onto the setup…………
Using a Sun Hut Silver LG for vegging with a 400 watt HPS in there right now (yeah, yeah, I know MH’s preferred for vegging, but I’ve been too lazy to buy the bulb and really don’t think it makes much difference anyways – yes, it is a digital ballast so I can switch back and forth).
I’m currently cooling the light with a 6” inline fan which puts out ~450CFM; initially had one of these dedicated to just cooling the light and a second for exhaust, but that was some serious overkill on my part.
Intake is done via a 4” inline fan which pumps ~170CFM – as an aside, both of these fans are controlled by a TMP-DNe, which turns them on if the set temp is exceeded by a certain amount – I chose 5 degrees, which means they pop on at 75 degrees and turn off at about 69, keeping the room always 69-75 degrees.
There’s no oscillating fan in there of any kind because at this point I don’t feel it’s necessary – when those two fans come on the air in that room gets moving pretty effing good. If things change (like the fans don’t come on as much in the wintertime) then I’ll re-evaluate and possibly add one, but for now I’m comfy without it.
Been using and will probably continue to use GH nutrients, simply because they’re, well, simple. Have gotten copious amounts of House and Garden samples from my hydro store, but I’m gonna wait for a bit before doing any comparison tests or things of that nature, simply because I’d like to get up and running before I start doing anything too exotic.
Growing in 18 gallon rubbermaids with 4 14” air stones in each; nothing you haven’t seen a bazillion times anyways, so I won’t waste your time with pics of the inside, etc – it’s some airstones making bubbles, just trust me – keep my pH right around 6, you know the drill.
So I guess that about does it for the veg area – onto to the flower design (if I don’t get too stoned I’ll put it together today, minus the 6” Phresh Filter, which should be into my store either tomorrow or Saturday).
So, I’m gonna have 6 18 gallon rubbermaids in the flowering room, each holding 4 plants (that’s 24 plants for the slower members out there). Gonna have a perpetual harvest with half the room changing each month, so I’ll harvest twelve plants each month and throw twelve more in (for those who need to read up on how a perpetual harvest works, I’d link you to some good threads but don’t know how – just do a search). My current plan is to start flowering at about 12” height, but that’s gonna take some experimentation and going to be strain dependent. That being said, figure flowering at 12” should get me to about 2-3 feet for most strains, which is fine by me.
Gonna have a 6” inline dedicated to cooling my 1000 watt HPS in there, and also a 6” inline for exhaust (through the 6” Phresh filter) and a 4” for intake.
Um, that’s really all I can think of right now – my plan is to get my first flowering room up and running within about a week or two and then have an identical second one up and running sometime in late January/early February which will run on a reverse schedule so as to not overload the breaker (only have 40 amps in my garage); so as one light is on the other will be off and vice versa – this way the only overlap will be their fans and water pumps, which isn’t that big of a deal.
I know 40 amps would be enough to run all three at the same time pretty easily, but I’m trying to plan ahead for the summer, when temps can get 100+ in there, so I’m gonna need a fairly large AC which will draw ~1500 watts (if not more).
So, I know I’ve missed some stuff but I can always cover that later……………so here are the pics:

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GH nutrients, Superthrive, pH meter, TDS meter, yada yada………..that’s a digital thermometer hanging down at the top there….
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The right side is there all the free samples go…………..I felt so shady taking that syringe with Root Excelurator out of the store (in front of the fungicide) – definitely didn’t wanna get pulled over with that and have to explain it….
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Cleaned WalMart out of 14” airstones the last two times I’ve been there…………there’s a 100’ roll of ½” black tubing in the back there for my pond pump for nute changeouts……
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This pic really doesn’t do the bottom shelf justice – if this whole project doesn’t work out, I’m pretty sure I could open up my own HVAC supply shop with all the shit I’ve bought and ended up not needing………the shelf above that are the two 6” inline fans which are going in my flower tent.
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Lol………..so I wanted to get a picture of how light tight the tent was (it’s REALLY light tight, FYI), so my dumb ass turned off the lights in there and took a picture, only to realize that a flash kinda ruined the effect……….for a smart guy I do some dumb shit.
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[FONT=&quot]Here’s the 4” inline which is intake for my veg tent…………….somewhat of a ghetto rigging with it sitting on a box, but it works for me………..needed to use a reducer for it to fit the 6” flanges of the tent.[/FONT]

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This was the best lady out of the bag beans I started – unfortunately for her, we don’t allow dirt in our hydro tent, so she’s kinda shit outta luck…………thinking of putting up fliers around the neighborhood saying that she’s free to a good home – just took twelve clones off of her yesterday, which is why she’s looking kinda gaunt.
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Here’s the 6” inline which is responsible for exhausting the room as well as cooling the light
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Top left is two “moms” (clones from the dirt mom that rooted a week or two ago) – plan on having one of them and then a mom from each strain of the seedlings, which are in the bottom right……..the top right is some other plant’s clones that I’ve been running nute tests on so see how much they can take……
Apologies for the ghetto “hole” covers, need to get to Wal Mart and get some thick plastic placemats to cut and use as covers.
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Numbers 1-4 are Bubblelicious, 5-8 are NY Diesel, and 9-12 are Super Skunk.
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Closer shot – I don’t know how to use a camera very well, obviously.
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This is the sensor for the TMP-DNe – it’s hung a couple of inches below the light level.

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This is the controller with the temp settings and the differentials on the left – this thing’s kinda cool because it can be used for either heating or cooling.
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I’m a thermometer maniac.
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Trust me.
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Hydroton, more Rubbermaids, buckets, random shit. You know how it is.
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Two fifty gallon trash cans and a 633GPH pond pump for nutrient changes and topping off.
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Clones taken yesterday – I hate Rapid Rooters because the SOBs can barely stand by themselves.
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The flowering tent I’ll be putting together either tonight or tomorrow or Saturday.
Sooooooooooooooooooo, all that being said, any questions/comments/criticism (doesn’t even have to be constructive) are welcome.
Gonna try to keep this as updated as possible, and with no job it shouldn’t be that difficult of a task.

How are you cooling it besides air cooled lights? I have a tent of similiar size and am having heat problems. Is your portable A/C hooked up inside the the tent?

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
How are you cooling it besides air cooled lights? I have a tent of similiar size and am having heat problems. Is your portable A/C hooked up inside the the tent?
Which tent are you talking about?

Not having temp problems in either right now, and also have not purchased my portable AC yet.


Well-Known Member
He was just asking how you cool yours, because he has a tent like yours and its getting too hot. He was trying to get help.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
He was just asking how you cool yours, because he has a tent like yours and its getting too hot. He was trying to get help.
Yeah, got that, just wasn't sure which tent he was referring to.

I have different ventilation setups for each - the veg tent has a 6" fan which is responsible for aircooling the light and also for exhaust from the tent, with a 4" for intake.

The flowering tent has a 6" dedicated to cooling the light, and another 6" hooked up to a filter for exhaust and then a 4" for intake.

The temps in the veg tent run about 3 or 4 degrees over ambient room temp with the fans going, and the flowering tent runs about 12 degrees over ambient with just the light being cooled and about 6 degrees over ambient with all three fans working.

BTW, found the USB cord (my girl did, anyways), so I'll have a pic update in a bit.


Well-Known Member
Sweet. Still want to see that final product, going back to look at that post from earlier, didnt make it around to it yesterday.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
The title says it all; kinda in a holding period - gonna start the clones vegging in the flower tent as soon as the RO filter gets here (cancelled the order with the site it was ordered from by my hydro store because they didn't have it in stock and I just went ahead and ordered one off of Ebay - figure a filter isn't gonna have the feds knocking down my door).

Hoping within two or three days to have them in there, veg for a few days (really have no idea how quick they're gonna grow vegging under a 1000 24/7 while also getting blasted with 1300PPM nutes and 1500PPM CO2, but I'm guessing "fast").

Then when they almost catchup to the seedlings, gonna top them all at about 6 or 8 inches, tie the two colas to bamboo stakes, veg them for a couple of days, and then flip the switch.

So call it November 15th as the start of 12/12 (best guess as of now, anyways).

So that's kinda the state of the union, now onto some pics.


A couple pics of me testing out the frame I built around the reservir - works like a charm, if I do say so myself. This is a pretty popular size, so if anyone needs the measurements of the framee to make their own, just lemme know and I'll dig them up.


These are pics from Monday of the veg tent - growth is getting to be outta control and the seedlings are definitely cramped with their spacing at three or four to a bucket right now - not ideal, but only another few days or a week and they'll be in the flowering tent with all the room they need.


Also from Monday - you can see that the clones are rooting (some of the sativa ones are coming along quite slowly), and the second pic is of a Bubblelicious rootzone (the weakest of the three strains).


A couple of pics of the tent without the tray in it - as you can see, intake fan, reservoir, heater, and dehumidifier are all "hidden" underneath the tray - seems to be working well so far :lol:


Drilled these lids yesterday - the twenty clones were hella cramped in the corner in one bucket, so I decided to change up the setup in the veg tent and get the clones enough space and as close to the light as possible to help them catchup (and also try to retard the growth of the seedlings).


So the first two pics are what the tent looked like before the switch yesterday - see the clones cramped and hidden in the corner? Not good for them catching up, obviously - the third pic is the new setup with the clones being front and center.


While doing the "musical buckets" change, found some issues - every bucket had algae to some degree or another in it, and then the one mama bucket that I changed out had those dead little gnats in it.

Not sure when, but definitely switching up my veg tent to two levels with the top being either an E&F or a drip system for vegging clones (under the 400) and the bottom being mamas and new cuttings under fluoros in an as yet unknown growing system. Kinda had it with DWC - the growth is still fine (outstanding, actually), but it's just too much work with more then one or two plants (IMHO, anyways).


Here's the plumbing from the tray to rez - tightened everything as tight as humanly possible and then used aquarium sealant (which I'm a MASSIVE fan of now, BTW) - NO LEAKS!!


And here's a test "fill" of the tray - it's tilted a little bit towards the front right, but nothing that a little cardboard under the legs won't fix.

So that's about it; as always, comments, questions, and insults are more then welcome.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt go that high on the ppms for the clones. It will burn them out for sure. id stick to 700ppm or less till they're at least a foot tall. Otherwise, looking great.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
I wouldnt go that high on the ppms for the clones. It will burn them out for sure. id stick to 700ppm or less till they're at least a foot tall. Otherwise, looking great.
Thanks for the compliment :lol:

However, as far as the clones go, they rooted in 750PPM solution, and yesterday I bumped it up to a 1000PPM - haven't seen any burning of leaves at all (some yellowing of the sativa clones, but that's to be expected with clones, and is not related to nute burn).

Anyhow, I was actually thinking of going higher with the clones, like something in the 1500-1600 range, but was gonna keep it at 1300 to be "safe".

With a reasonable root system, 1000 watts, and CO2 at 1500PPM, I'm pretty sure that 1300PPM is gonna be pretty easy for them.

That being said, I'll obviously monitor their leaf edges closely.

Also, off-topic, was thinking of asking the moderator to move this thread to "growroom design and setup", at which point I'd open up a new thread (an actual "grow journal") for my flowering phase - anyone have thoughts on that?


Well-Known Member
Cool, if its working for you, keep on going. I know when I get above 1100ppm, my girls start to burn, but thats with a 400w and unknow co2 ppm. But all of that will change in the next month or so, if I can pull it off, trying to upgrade to dual 600w's with a hydrogen running of a sentinel. But only time will tell.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Cool, if its working for you, keep on going. I know when I get above 1100ppm, my girls start to burn, but thats with a 400w and unknow co2 ppm. But all of that will change in the next month or so, if I can pull it off, trying to upgrade to dual 600w's with a hydrogen running of a sentinel. But only time will tell.
Dual 6's, huh? That's beast-like right thurr kiddo :bigjoint:

And what do you mean "hydrogen"? Light?

After a harvest or two, gonna get rid of this 4x4 tent and upgrade to an 8x4 with two 1Ks..........but like you, time will tell :-P


Well-Known Member
Hydrogen is a propane powered, water cooled co2 generator. Around me it is just easier to exchange a propane tank than to fill my co2 and It's a little cheaper. Price is reasonable to. I am going to try it out with my makshift res chiller I told you about a couple of weeks ago, and if that doesnt work, I'll do drain to waste off of city water. Here's a link to the cheapes place online to buy it and there's also a video at the bottom of the page for it:


Well-Known Member
Hydrogen is a propane powered, water cooled co2 generator. Around me it is just easier to exchange a propane tank than to fill my co2 and It's a little cheaper. Price is reasonable to. I am going to try it out with my makshift res chiller I told you about a couple of weeks ago, and if that doesnt work, I'll do drain to waste off of city water. Here's a link to the cheapes place online to buy it and there's also a video at the bottom of the page for it:
That is some crazy shit, you should def. start a thread and let us see that thing working.

Bob: Those clones will be fine @ 1300ppm. I questioned myself for days and feared I would lose my whole grow, but I bit the bullet and I haven't looked back. No burn, deficiencies... Only healthy, hardy fast growing plants. Did you get the RO system yet? They must be walking it you. Lol.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
That is some crazy shit, you should def. start a thread and let us see that thing working.

Bob: Those clones will be fine @ 1300ppm. I questioned myself for days and feared I would lose my whole grow, but I bit the bullet and I haven't looked back. No burn, deficiencies... Only healthy, hardy fast growing plants. Did you get the RO system yet? They must be walking it you. Lol.
No dice on the RO filter yet, hoping within 2-3 days.

Also DND, glad you stopped by, cuz I gots a question for ya - did you light-proof your rez? I wasn't gonna, but am now figuring I might as well - just curious if you did or not and whether you think it needs it (since we have the exact same one).

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Kinda annoyed that there's nothing else to buy for my flowering tent :wall:, so I'm looking at seeds online right now.

Unless I hear something from someone which sways my mind, going to order these four strains from Nirvana (feminized) tonight:

Master Kush
Wonder Woman

All are indica dominant (short flowering) and heavy yielders, which is really all I'm looking for, as long as they're reasonably potent (I'm sure they all will be).

So, anyone have any thoughts? Good, bad, or otherwise? I'm fairly loyal to Nirvana because I've only ever used them and also been very pleased every time I have, so I'm gonna stay with them.