Bubblelicious, New York Power Diesel, and Super Skunk in DWC


Well-Known Member
Can you lift the light higher? I have yo-yo's on my lamp, but if push came to shove I could pin it up with s-hooks and bypass the yo-yos. Just a thought.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately that's not an option - my light is already suspended by "S" hooks from the top bar of my tent (can not physically go any higher).

Anyways, just did a sample of what I'm thinking on my BL male.


Here's what he looked like before his haircut - about 14-15" (that mixing stick is exactly 12").


And here's what I took off - the main cola and also any really low shoots (up 4" from the base, roughly).


And here's what he looks like afterwards - about 11" tall, with four main colas tied to stakes. Would let them veg for a few days (maybe 3-4" of new growth) and then flower them out.

Soooooooooooo, thoughts?


Well-Known Member
That's so sad. And to just leave it on the ground all disrespectful!!! I just wanna go all Clint Eastwood and shoot whoever decorated his saloon with my friend! Damn.


Well-Known Member
Everything looks good Bob, here is my 2c on the situation. When you said that you had that male to top and test with I had the idea of you topping it and then chucking it into 12/12. I believe you said you were trying to keep the height down a bit, and you were unsure of if you needed to veg a bit after the topping before flipping the switch. I think that this could be a good idea to limit the height, but you want to make sure that the new chutes that are growing are going to be able to sustain in the 12/12 situation. Top something and chuck it in 12/12 and then see how well/poorly the chutes grow. Basically, if they grow about an inch before they put on bud weight, you will have some awesome stocky buds that are starting very low and you will have all bud growing on bud instead of bud filling in up the stem, you get what I'm saying?

Not sure how coherent this post is to you haha, it barely makes sense to me either. Basically, you need to see what the effects of topping and chucking in 12/12 are as opposed to topping, chucking veg for a few days until you see chutes growing, and then toss them in 12/12.



Well-Known Member
That would work if he had a seperate room set up and waiting for 12/12. I think he's using the same room they're in now and switching the whole thing over.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Smokinggrubber, you are correct - Tmsculli, don't really have a space to run that experiment, but I'm feeling pretty good about what I'm going to do with the topping.

Doing a little research, and realized that I shouldn't have chopped off any of the fan leaves on the lower part of the plant, and won't do it for the next go round.

Going to do a little more research just to make sure everything's kosher, and then chop the rest tonight - figure I'm just going to lollipop the clones while I turn the seedlings into four-cola guys (kinda of an interesting dichotomy).

Will post pics when I'm done (before and after).


Well-Known Member
The height restriction of the tent is the exact reason I went with the bucket system. All the buckets sit on the floor so I should have 4-5 ft to grow in. My other system is flood tables built with 2x4s and a 35 gal res underneath. With the res on wheels, the 8' ceiling is still too low. There was no way I could figure fitting that kind of set up in a 6½' tent.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to talk about bad deals in your thread, but would you mind telling me about your experiences with ___________ . What you were posting about in my thread. I posted a reply in there after examining the plants thoroughly. Same spots can be seen on either side of the leaf, with my eyes no sign of the ______ . Hope I don't rekindle any bad memories........


Well-Known Member
One word for ya bob, Scrog. Then height is never an issue or canopy levelness. Most people think it is hard and it dicourages them from trying, but it really is simple and helps maintain height like no other. If you want to go this rout, I will make a tut for you. Remember it is very easy. and supplies to adapt are cheap.


Well-Known Member
Looking good Bob. Starting to look like a little jungle in there.
if you do decide to top i wouldnt flip the switch for atleast a weak. I have had bad results with switching right after i have topped. Also if you want you could put some hydroton down around the pots and the roots will continue to grow and spread down into the tray. Just an idea....

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, sorry don't have much time to tell you guys or post pics of what I did yesterday, so I'll do the quick and abridged version.

Smokinggrubber, tried buckets, fugging hate them - will build a shorter stand for my tables for my next tent, but staying with E&F - couldn't be simpler, and the growth is outstanding (IMHO).

Wonder - looked like spider mite damage; I haven't dealt with them in about ten years, but that's the first thing I thought of when I saw that pic - both Twils and Integra have fought them lately, they'd probably be more helpful then me in terms of combating them.

Integra - funny you said that; as I was butchering the super skunks yesterday, that actually popped into my head as the best solution (I've since changed my mind, shockingly enough, but for a good ten minutes yesterday, was pretty convinced that's what I was going to do).

Rhaba - was thinking the same thing as you, but I'm fairly shocked and pleased with how much growth has taken place over the past 24 hours - almost no "recovery" period at all, they just started growing immediately.

So, the clones and the seedlings (save for the super skunks) responded pretty well to the topping, IMHO - there's already about 1" of new growth on most of them. The super skunks were basically ruined, they were simply too tall and "branchy" to top like I tried to top them, and they're going to be ridiculously low yielding.

The plants are eating like animals - the rez went from 2.0EC two days ago to 1.4 today, so I topped off with Floranova Bloom and also with some Flora Gro (the stems aren't as strong as I'd like, and am hoping the high nitrogen from the Gro should help that out, especially with the sativa clones).

Also found some small brown spots on one of the super skunks, so sprayed the entire tent down with that insecticide/miticide/fungicide I have.

Finally, found some white fungus on the two bamboo sticks that I'd been using as test sticks - took them out as a precaution, but I'm wondering if using the H2O2 would remedy that situation (although the sticks aren't touching any plant matter, so I wonder if the small amount of fungi was really that much of an issue, anyways).

So, I'll post pics when I get a chance (maybe tonight, but prolly tomorrow or the day after - crazy week).

Thanks for all the suggestions, guys - I really appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Im not thinking spidermites.... that would surprise me. Its not getting any worse or effecting any other plants. This run will be over soon anyway.... Im glad you mentioned it because I haven;t exactly been pn my toes about it

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Okay, a couple of things I forgot to mention - pulled the clone I took and there were definite nubs forming, which tells me that I can certainly clone in an E&F, which I like. That being said, took MASSIVE clones (like 15") off of my sativa mom, indica mom, and the biggest super skunk, which was the only one left in the veg tent (white hairs showing, so she's a girl).

Also, went through CO2 tank #2, so definitely getting a natural gas generator at some point in the not-so-distant future.

Gonna try to do this quickly, so work with me........

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Shots of the clone's nubs.

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First shot is of the super skunk mother I chose - stinkiest, tightest node spacing, thickest trunk, most vigorous, etc.

Second shot is the root system of the BL male I pulled the other day.

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Random flower tent pics from two days ago, both before and after topping (I think).


Pics from yesterday - notice the new growth in only (less then, actually) 24 hours.


Pics taken ten minutes ago - the two plants falling over are the indica mom clone and the super skunk clone, respectively - expected this, which is why I took them much larger, so hopefully by the time they put roots down, they'll be equal in height to the other clones.

Sorry for the poor pic quality and lack of good captions, rushing around to about 10 parties in the next couple of days (one of them being a milestone birthday for me).

Happy a happy and safe Thanksgiving, everyone.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Whoa, let's not jump to conclusions yet...............still have a "2" leading my age for a few more days, and time could stop any day now.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody.


Well-Known Member
Yea..... you are still young. I am as well. I am married at 21. On a bad day I think that I could be 35, single, and still tapping those young resources


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you've got a minute before you get to the top of that hill. That means you've got some time to collect your toys before you get there. Watch out . . . it'll come faster than you think.

im 42 :( Old enough to not give a fuck anymore! The sadest part is being too old to get the "young resouces" anymore. Oh well, cougars are fun too.