bubblelicious turning pink


Well-Known Member
has anyone else had some of the lower buds start to pink? it seems to be the buds that dont get as much light. i am trying to take a picture of the color change however i cant seems to get a good pic of it the camera flash just lights up the thc and makes the bud look white or the hps makes it look yellow/orange.

by the way im just curious, not worried. if someone has had there bubblelicious turn pink and has a pic i would like you to share it if you would be so kind :hump:


I am not sure if this is a bad or a good thing. i have never grown the strain. I apologize for not being of more help. But, I did just want to take a minute and thank your for this post. Cannabis is such a beautiful plant and the idiosyncrasies of each strain make it such a joy to grow. I really would like to see a picture of pink buds. The pic in your profile is very nice, not sure what that is from, but it sure is pretty as well. Thanks for the reminder that it is the simple things that make this worth while, well that and the harvest!


Well-Known Member
i agree on the joy of growing i personally dont smoke or sell but ilove the plant. and the picture is of a lowlife strain i dont remember wich one but i would like to grow it. i also dont think think that is is a bad think to have my buds turning purple i was just curious as to how many people have noticed it if they were able to get a picture that displayed the color.

i produce free weed in essenc i am non profit any bud i produce good or bad is given away for free.

oh and i have a couple bud pics but like i said erlier i cant get one of the pibk buds

the last 2 do look pink when looking at them in the cab but not on my cam