Bubbleponics 1st Grow


Active Member
When can I spray wilt spray on my plants? Also the ph in my stealth hydroponics system keeps going up...how can I correct this? Also I think I have really bad stretching but I don't have my new lights...tell me what you think



Elite Rolling Society
1, go here and read and study :
2, and go here and read and study:
SH Hydroponics, Inc. > Growing Instructions
3, you got some bad stretching, due to lights being too high. This is NOT when you
want stretching. Those babies need a saturation of light. Get some toilet paper tubes, (without the paper on them) or cut a paper towel tube in thirds, and use them to support the babies b4 they fall over. Just place them over the plant, so the top of the plant still gets light and the sides keep them from falling over.
4, lower your lights, and if you are using CFLs, lower them to two inches above the plants. If you have HID lights, you still need them lower.
5, Stealth Hydro sells a foilage spray. They and I reccomend a daily spray, to twice a day spray, while still in VEg stage.
6, they are ready for 1/4 strenght nutrients.
7, take some kind of lid, like a plastic lid for a plastic cup, or use a paper plate or a styrafoam saucer,and make some covers for your cups so that LIGHT doesn nto penetrate the rocks and cause algae in the water. (everyone does it and there are dozens of BUBBLEPONICS THREADS with pics,that show the covers in the pics.
8, pH? Read up or google pH stablized, or pH stablization. You should take your water and test it, firt and se what you have to wrok with. then pH it to around 5.8. 5.6 to 6.2, is fine, but get the water at a desirable pH, THEN, add your nutes.
9, a trick some use is add a 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to one gallon of water. That will wreck havoc on the pH, BUT you then adjsut it up and down with pH UP and pH Down to the desirable pH. he baking soda in it will keep it from jumping so much. You still, everytime you add water, will have to adjsut it, but only weekly, or twice a week. Never adjsut it int he tank, unless you jsut absolutely have to.

I'l be back here soon to check on you.
God's Peace


Active Member
Added a couple more cfls...now there are 4 26w cfls and one 15" flouro tube...started with two 120w philips agrolite plant lights and those didn't do shit but give me 7" seedlings...also added supports for the plants that were badly stretched...new pics too



Well-Known Member
i started my BP grow a week ago.I went with the 400w. hps/mh setup instead of the fullspectrum.This is my first grow with the BP.But not my FIRST grow by far.I was following your threads and was growing in the AG,and itz just not for growing cannabis, so seeing you success with the BP encouraged me to get one,and i am happy with it!I will be following this one too.subscribed.


Well-Known Member
Irene....it looks like the RW is getting too saturated with water.It can cause probs later on down the road.just thought id add that.


Well-Known Member
i started my BP grow a week ago.I went with the 400w. hps/mh setup instead of the fullspectrum.This is my first grow with the BP.But not my FIRST grow by far.I was following your threads and was growing in the AG,and itz just not for growing cannabis, so seeing you success with the BP encouraged me to get one,and i am happy with it!I will be following this one too.subscribed.

Theres a video of Devin the Dude using an aero garden. I would think sinec he had a medical card that he would be doing something a little bigger than that.


Elite Rolling Society
I keep seeing growers on here saying they have the DWC Bubleponics adn they don't. They just got the DWC. Martin,t he owner at SH is a personal friend of mine, he holds a patent and has the word BUBLEPONICS registered.
BUBBLEPONICS does not mean or refer to the bubbling airstones in the tank. We all use airstones in a DWC. BUBBLEPNICS refers to the water, air and nutes bubbling through feeder tubes to the rock wool cube, via an underwater pump. That is what causes the very rapid growth in the beginning. If you do not have the underwater pump and feeder tubes, then you have to wait until the roots hit the deep water to get the fast grow.


Active Member
Two weeks since seeds were germinated...have had some problems along the way but plants seem to be improving now...believe there may be some nute deficiency but the ppm got extremely high and wanted to flush the plants...leaves are also droopy. Also if the ppm is raised because acid needs to be added to lower th pH will this still negatively affect the plants even if a 1/4 strength nutrient is used?



Elite Rolling Society
Irene, you got too much STRETCHING. Way too much!
You have to get the lights closer, much closer, CFLS can be one inch close! And those are ready for 1/4 nutes, and then when you see 4 leaves, use 1/2 and then a few days later, go to full strenght.