Bubbleponics 1st Grow


Well-Known Member
do NOT listen to him about nutes, wtf, full strength and u started feedin 2 weeks ...um no u will kill them. u use 1/4 strength for a while, and when ur plants get bigger, u use more nutes. simple as that. and i used a bubbleponics setup my first grow, i loved it, and to help with the stems being weeks get a fan blowin on em, but rotate the plants so they dont lean into the wind, get a straight up plant. and u want the bottom inch of ur net cup in water at all times, ALL TIMES.


Elite Rolling Society
do NOT listen to him about nutes, wtf, full strength and u started feedin 2 weeks ...um no u will kill them. u use 1/4 strength for a while, and when ur plants get bigger, u use more nutes. simple as that. and i used a bubbleponics setup my first grow, i loved it, and to help with the stems being weeks get a fan blowin on em, but rotate the plants so they dont lean into the wind, get a straight up plant. and u want the bottom inch of ur net cup in water at all times, ALL TIMES.
You have to have that one inch of AIR POCKET between the bottom of the cups And the water line. THE INSTURCTION MANUAL AND GROW GUIDE, that I wrote for them tells you to keep 6 gallons of water in the 8 gallon tank, IF you have the 6 CUP BUBBLEPONIS SYSTEM.
AND, you introduce 1/4 nutes when you see two full leaves. many growers add 1/4 at the very beginning. AFTER you see 4 full leaves, two full sets, you can add 1/4 nutes again. AFTER 4 full sets, OR pairs of leaves, go FULL STRENGHT.

[email protected]


Elite Rolling Society
Irene, you just don't have enough wattage or lumens. There are 100 threads on here about how much light you need. You might have enough to keep them alive, but 27 watt CFLS are just not going to cut it. A dozen 42 watts would be better. But 12 42 watts would cost $120 plus the reflectors and you'd do better with a coupld of 65 or 85 or 105 CFLs. The plants you have now can be saved, but you are not going to
get much.
Get the CFL lights you have one inch close!


Well-Known Member
dude, how are u gonna try to correct me, the guy at the hydro store TOLD me to do that, and ive ALWAYS done it that way, u leave the bottom of the net cup in the water about an inch.so ur roots will grow down to the water...dude. you may do it another way, but this has been fail proof, and if u tried it, u will notice its alot better


Well-Known Member
dude, how are u gonna try to correct me, the guy at the hydro store TOLD me to do that, and ive ALWAYS done it that way, u leave the bottom of the net cup in the water about an inch.so ur roots will grow down to the water...dude. you may do it another way, but this has been fail proof, and if u tried it, u will notice its alot better
Dude roseman wrote the instructions on the BP!!!!!!How you gonna fuck with that?


Well-Known Member
i give him props for that too, but im just sayin man, it works too. or maybe he just didnt understand what i was sayin, either way, its worked for me


Well-Known Member
i give him props for that too, but im just sayin man, it works too. or maybe he just didnt understand what i was sayin, either way, its worked for me
ok.kool if it worked for you and i dont see why it wouldnt work but thats defeating the purpose
of the BP system.Peace and happy harvesting


Elite Rolling Society
dude, how are u gonna try to correct me, the guy at the hydro store TOLD me to do that, and ive ALWAYS done it that way, u leave the bottom of the net cup in the water about an inch.so ur roots will grow down to the water...dude. you may do it another way, but this has been fail proof, and if u tried it, u will notice its alot better
The name Of this thread is BUBBLEPONICS, the name of the SYSTEM that she is using. I wrote the MANUEL for that system, and I helped develope it. She is not asking about DWC, which is different.
If the bottom of her cups are touching the water, she has NO air poicket, and that air pocket is needed to avoid root rot. OXYEGEN is needed for thriving and growth.
In a Bubbleponics system, there are feeder tubes, pouring water to the cubes, and that water trickles down, and the roots follow it and grow in it, until it reaches the deep water. Then they still need an air pocket.

Do you have that system? Did you help design it? Do you know more about it than the people at customer service knows about it ,that made and sells it?
I bet not.


Elite Rolling Society
Do you recommend topping plants? When should this be done?
I top mine, (snip out the tops of 1/2 to one inch of new growth) with scissors, at 3 and 4 weeks, but mine are bushier and bigger than yours at those weeks.
Here is mine at 3 weeks:

4 weeks:


Well-Known Member

Follow Roseman on this grow. I used two of the systems on my last grown and was very impressed. If you have any questions, just ask Rose, or post them here, and listen to the people who use them on a regular basis. I got HUGE yields out of my systems, so, study study study the threads written here by Rose about these systems. You should switch to 18/6 when you go to flowering. You have a long way to go before you are ready to switch. Right now, you need to get the stretching to stop and get them eating. If this part gets screwed up the plants will never be right and you will not be happy in the end.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO, what a suck up, "ask rose, ask rose, rose is god" man, thats funny. dude, ive been using the BUBBLEPONIC SYSTEM for QUIET some time, and i agree it is a great system, but u cant just base ur facts on just a manual, dude, i could of WROTE the manual, shit isnt hard, AT ALL. im not tryin to dis u rose, but dude, way to go...a manual...great....its not a difficult system to use, or work, or operate, its a airstone, some water, and a container....but unless u MADE THE SYSTEM INVENTED IT, then really ur just as knowledgable as anyone else that has used one.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO, what a suck up, "ask rose, ask rose, rose is god" man, thats funny. dude, ive been using the BUBBLEPONIC SYSTEM for QUIET some time, and i agree it is a great system, but u cant just base ur facts on just a manual, dude, i could of WROTE the manual, shit isnt hard, AT ALL. im not tryin to dis u rose, but dude, way to go...a manual...great....its not a difficult system to use, or work, or operate, its a airstone, some water, and a container....but unless u MADE THE SYSTEM INVENTED IT, then really ur just as knowledgable as anyone else that has used one.
Boy you know you a bitch now for that ."suck up" its better to ask the man that SPECIALISES in the BP than ask anyone else.Really you just takin this shit the wrong way and :ask roseman isnt the case.I been growin way before i even knew what riu was aand people that dont know how to use it get info here so i beleive you on a neodumbass trip.


Elite Rolling Society
Ask Martin the owner who owns the word BUBBLEPONICS. I did help make the system.
Criticism from children doesn't bother me, brother Purp!.


Elite Rolling Society
Irene, Looks great.
I'd suggest some covers, make from a paper cup or paper saucer, to prevent LIGHT from going through the rocks.
I'd suggest you VEG for 5 weeks, then go to 12/12 for BLOOMING.
Please let me know how I can help.