Bubbleponics - Auto Feminized - Mixed Strains


Hi Guys,

My last grow journal was quite successful, so I thought I would start another one. The difference this time is this grow journal will feature all Automatic Flowering Female plants, grown under High Output T5 Floro's instead of MH or HPS lights. This has been a topic of much debate over the years, so maybe we will be able to answer some questions.

Here are the first pictures of my new grow.I will update them weekly, with comments so you can easily follow along. I did have a problem with (1) Blueberry and had to replant it.

Please feel free to submit your comments or questions during this grow journal, and I will be happy to respond. Again, comments will be updated weekly.

Grow Setup

Check out the lights, my digital camera actually picked up the different light spectrums, interesting!

PH and TDS Meters

Look for updates weekly




It's been about a week and there isn't a lot of excitement yet, but there are some interesting developments.

One thing I find very exciting is the rate of growth on the plants that are healthy. If you go back and look at the pictures from last week, you will see there is significant growth this week. I normally only see this type of growth when using Hydroponics. Soil tends to show much slower growth in my personal experience.

The White Russian is doing the best out of all the plants. One of the BlueBerry's is doing quite well. The Hindu Kush is really stunted and looking kind of bizarre, and my re-plant of BlueBerry bit the dust. I even re-planted the BlueBerry again, and it died. I'm not sure what's going on but I gave up on that, lol

I'm down to 3 plants now, but they seem to be doing quite well overall. The PH level is at 5.6, and I bumped up the Ferts to about 575 PPM.

The plants seem to like the T5 Flouros with mixed Blue and Red spectrums. I only run my fans for 5 minutes every 3 hours during the light cycle 18/6, and that seems to work quite well. My electricity bill sure seems to like it, lol

Here are the latest pics

Overall View

White Russian - Looking Good

Hindu Kush - Definitely Struggling

BlueBerry - Doing reasonably well

Until next week, Happy :bigjoint:


Update, Week 2 Veg....

What a difference a week makes, the girls are beginning to hit their stride in Veg mode, although technically they are entering Flower mode since they are auto-flowering plants. I have been keeping the PH at about 5.6 - 5.8, bumped up the Ferts to 880 PPM, and I have been foliar feeding them with Liquid Light and Penetrator.

The humidity levels have been rapidly rising to about 80 - 82%, so I have had to change my fans to "on" during the daily light cycle of 18/6. The girls seem to love the T5 Flouros, so I'm not sure at this point if I should switch them to my 400w HPS. I guess I will have to see how it goes.

I am somewhat surprised that Blueberry is really thriving, considering the aggressive ferts that I am feeding the plants. I have heard that Blueberry does not tolerate ferts very well, but that's certainly not the case here. Maybe it's because of the Dutch Master Gold ferts, I don't know for sure.

Here are this weeks pictures, you should see a significant change from last week.

Overall Environment - 2 Pictures

White Russian - Looking Great

Hindu Kush - Looking much better than last week, but still kind of a runt

BlueBerry - A little stunted in height, but thriving nonetheless

Until next week, I hope you enjoyed the updates. As always, if you have questions or comments, please ask :-P

its me

looks good and like all is under control I didnt notice if you were running co2 whitch you know is vary importent. especialy if you in a basement. outside 300ppm inside 200ppm but they love around a 1000 to 1500ppm.

its me

OOOO and the nutes should be read in thousents so when you read your nutes and you read 880 thats really 8800ppm WWWWWAAAAAAA to much hit me back.


Hi its me,

I am not running any CO2, but I have looked into it. My understanding is that CO2 can greatly help the growth and yields of the plants but I am not sure I can justify the cost and hassle for 3 Auto plants.

As for your question on the Fert levels, I'm not sure I understand what you mean, but check out this next update and maybe it will answer your question





Hi Gang,

We're on week 3, and rapidly approaching week 4. The girls were suffering a little under the T5 florous once they entered the flowering stage, so I switched out the lights to a 400w HPS. I also drained the nutrient tank and refreshed it with DutchMaster Gold Flower Ferts.

The girls responded almost immediately and began a huge growth spurt. I bumped up the Ferts to 1475 PPM, and I am running them at 5.7 PH. The results are amazing. There are no signs of nutrient deficiencies or nute burn anywhere.

White Russian is Sativa Dominant (at least in this grow), so it is taking over the grow space, but Blueberry is trying to gain a foothold, and Hindu Kush is even making a play for the light. As of now, White Russian is clearly dominant, but we'll see what happens over the next week.

Hope you enjoy this week's pictures!


Skunk Monk

Well-Known Member
OOOO and the nutes should be read in thousents so when you read your nutes and you read 880 thats really 8800ppm WWWWWAAAAAAA to much hit me back.

I think he meant 0880 versus 8800

looks great, sure hope my autos take off like that :D


Hi Guys,

We're in the middle of week 4, and the girls are doing great. I am still running them at PH 5.7, but I bumped up the Ferts to 1700 PPM, and they are just loving it. This is the 4th grow I have done in Hydro when using DutchMaster Gold Ferts, and I have never had a problem with deficiencies or nute burn. Quite amazing :-P

White Russian is still dominant in the garden and has begun to flower at a significant pace. BlueBerry is trying to catch up but it will never achieve the level of growth like White Russian. Hindu Kush has been buried by the growth of White Russian.

Here are this week's pictures, the growth is incredible from week to week. For those of you who had any doubts about a Hydro grow, hopefully this will help with your decision. But I will say that I tried other Ferts such as FoxFarm, and I never saw this level of success. In my personal opinion, DutchMaster Gold is the only way to go. I'm not trying to hype it, but just sharing my experience with you.

Hope you enjoy the journey, see you next week :bigjoint:


Hey Gang,

Here is the latest update. We are approaching the end of week 5 and the girls have been going ballistic. They are growing like crazy and are now drinking approximately 1 Gallon of water per day, which makes it kind of challenging to keep the Ferts PPM stable. For the most part the ferts have been running at almost 2,000 PPM if you can believe it.

I will give them a new gallon of water, which will drop the PPM to about 1580, but the fert level is right back up around 1900 a few hours later. What this tells me is that I probably don't need to run the ferts above 1200 or so, because the girls are drinking way more than they are eating, interesting but it makes sense.

Here are this weeks pictures, the girls have about another 4 - 6 weeks to go before it is time to chop them down. Judging by the pictures, the buds should be pretty huge by the time they are ready for harvest.

I have never grown Auto strains before but these seem to be pretty huge. Is this normal for auto's? lol



Hi Guys,

The Girls are on a roll, I have kept them at 2,000 PPM and a PH level of between 5.6 - 6.0 for the last week. I thought for sure that they would suffer from nute burn but they haven't. Honestly, I could probably bump up the nutes to about 3,000 PPM and they would still be loving it, lol. They are continuing to drink about 1 gallon of water per day, which is not unusual at this stage of the game.

It appears that we are about 2 weeks away from harvest time. The buds are not as big as I would like them to be, but they are reasonably large in size. Some of the hairs are just starting to turn brown, so it's almost time to break out the microcope to check out the Trichomes. I may consider a 600W HPS for my next grow because the 400W HPS I currently have them under seem a little weak.

Here are this week's pictures, hope you like them.

My HPS lights are getting in the way of the pictures, but you should be able to make out the plants OK.



Hi Gang,

We have some cool pictures to look at today. This will be the last series of grow shots for this journal, as the girls will be ready for harvest in about 5 more days.

Over the last week the buds have really been packing on some weight. When I looked at them this morning they were actually tipped over because the buds have become so heavy, mainly due to weight density rather than size. The buds are very tightly packed and sticky as heck. They do smell quite a bit but not as strong as I thought it would be this far into the grow.

I have been running the ferts at 2,000 PPM again for the past week, so that probably had something to do with the girls packing on so much weight, lol.

Strangely enough as ripe as the buds look today, and with about 90% red hairs, all of the Trichomes are 100% milky, and there are no Ambers. I'm sure this will change over the next few days because a lot of the fan leaves are turning yellow and falling off the plants, so I know they are getting very close.

This is my third successful grow without any problems when using DutchMaster Gold Ferts. I don't know what they do to the formula, but it can make any amateur look like a pro every time. They must have some very smart chemists working for that company, lol

Here are the pics, hope you enjoy them. I will probably provide some post harvest pictures in a week or so.



Well-Known Member
dude you got a friggin jungle, your makin me laugh my ass off about the ferts, you got some hungry ass bitches haha that shit is crazy, theres no nute burn whatsoever either, none that i can see anyway, im gonna have to check out them ferts for sure..! cant wait for harvest :) make sure you post plenty-o-pics
how much are you expecting? im guessing with the size of those things close to a qp maybe, more?? lol


Hi Gang,

Well it took longer than I expected for the buds to get about 40% amber trichomes. I just chopped down the White Russian tonight, and the Blueberry won't be ready for at least another couple of weeks.

I got a lot of buds off the White Russian, and there was a lot of smaller popcorn buds and scrub that I tossed. I can't believe how much scrap and junk I got off this plant, it filled about 3/4 of a plastic trashbag, lol

Here are some pics of the choice White Russian buds, I also have a bunch of smaller buds that are not in the pictures. The first two pics are without a flash on the camera, and the rest are with flash to bring out the bright green color in the buds.

Not a bad haul for just one Auto Flower plant. The pics are not of the highest quality, so I'm gonna look for a better camera.

Autoflowa, you may be very close with your guess, it looks like I should easily get a QP by the time everything is harvested, dried and cured. Great guess, lol. Definitely check into those Ferts, they're the craziest chit I've ever seen!

Well, here are the pics, hope you like them.
