Bubbleponics DIY Easyryder Auto Fem Grow


Well-Known Member
I am also growing the e-ryder strain, I'm doing my second grow of the e-ryders right now. Your ph will fluctuate that often to start with it is almost inevitable. Your ph wont start to stablize until you completely black out your res and start a full veg or full flower. My ph didnt stablize until i blacked out my res and started the soluable nutes which was the start to flowering (after about 2 weeks). Anytime that your res has light coming through meens that algae will be starting to grow so it cause your ph to be unstable. So black out your res and check your ph everyday, this is what i do and im not having issues. Pics of my girls below. Hope this helps.



Well-Known Member
I saw pistols at week 2 so she was already flowering about a week in. So one week veg on 20 hours of light. Right now they are at 5 weeks of full flower. They are 50 days old right now. I will harvest the short one in 2 weeks and the taller one in 4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Ok here we are It seems I have my pH issue under control. It was the buffers in the city water . Now I just use Filtered water only .

Ph has been holding between 5.9 and 6.2.

Plants are looking way better now 3 out of 6 cups are showing tap roots other 3 not looking too good yet posted some pics ..

yes My tote is a mess but it is tempory .. When i do the Drain and replenish I will change out the tub with another one I made and toataly made it light proof . Oh and anyone using a Rubbermaid TUB they leak light in alot Cover it or paing it I painted mine with Rustolium Plastic paint Just the outside side/ bottom top.

and also followed this as a precaution you can add 1/6 teaspoon of Hydrogen Peroxide per gallon of water to your tank as a preventative or 2 full teaspoons as a cure. Never use more than 2 level teaspoons per tank of 6 gallons of water.

Foil is bad But i had no choice right now trying to save them LOL

Do they look ok this far from a major set back LOL thanks Guys Input is always welcome on my grow LOL and caseyg2007 Im jelious man your shit looks great /.. Hope mine all recover



Well-Known Member
Ok here we are in day 19 . After having some set backs with PH and Algae . I have things under control.. I removed The water pump and feed lines 4 days ago. And what a differance in growth..

All is under control now and They are doing real good .. I added 2 more air stones and a bigger air pump ..
I also started another grow In a DWC set up.. With 2 Nirvana Short Ryders.. Built as a test. It is a 2 pot 3 gallon .

Same as bubbleponic but without the water
pump and feedlines. .. Will keep you posted..:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::leaf::leaf:

