Alrite guys, I had three seedlings growing in soil, then I saw bubbleponics systems on youtube. After I made the system, I transplanted my seedlings into those clay pebble things that go inside the net pot. They are looking ok so far. My friend told me I had to water them by pouring water into the net pot since the roots weren't through the net pot. but i was wondering how often to water them since the clay pebbles dont hold the water like soil. So the question is, how often should I water the seedlings, and once the roots come thru the net pot, do I fill the bucket up with water till it submerges the roots in water, or just the tips of the roots or what? If anyone could just explain the bubbleponics system to me for the seedling stage, that would be great. Also,the plants aren't in rockwool, their roots are just in the hydroton clay pebbles..thanks