Bubbleponics with silent oxydator (h202) instead of airstone


Hey folks,

I'am new to this forum and looking for a solution how to replace my loud airpump with something more silent. After some research, I found a product called Söchting Oxydator: "A unique, new patent that gives constant, controlled release of pure and activated oxygen that keeps aquaria and garden ponds oxygen rich, clean and clear"
Sounds good, because the roots in a bubbleponics systen require oxygen. On the other hand, I read that to much of h2o2 can kill any bacteria/nutrients in your tank.

EDIT: I found a thread from a german chili grower, which compared plants with/without oxydator. The results seems to be amazing: http://chiliforum.hot-pain.de/threads/wasserstoffperoxid-h2o2-versuch-in-hydrokultur.15788 (try the google translator).
I just started a new grow 1 week ago. I will move them from a sprinkler system into the dwc next week and hope that my plant love will the oxydator (I'll keep you in touch).

Cheers, HydroNerd
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You just need to put a small bottle with h202 (3,9% / 120ml) into your tank, this releases constantly pure oxygen, like an airstone. After 3 weeks the bottle is almost empty and you need to refill the h2o2 solution.
So far so good! I've the oxydator running since 5 days in my dwc system and the roots started to grow into my tank. The roots are nice creme colored and my plant exploted in grow within the last days. Seems to be a Real silent alternative :)


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I have an idea for a diy version of this.

Get some manganese dioxide and some h2o2.

Take 2 pvc pipes about 3 inches on length and connect them together with a ball valve, but don't glue them together. Add a screw cap to the top and a air barb attachment to the bottom.

Place the MnO2 to the bottom chamber and the H2O2 to the top.

Connect a air hose and air stone to the air barb. The stone in the rez.

Just crack the ball valve so that it barely drips over time.

This will generate pure O2 as the H202 is decomposed into H2O and O2 when it contacts the MnO2.

Best part is that the MnO2 isn't used up as it is just a catalyst.
I've the oxydator almost 3 weeks in my tank and I refilled the bottle yesterday for the first time. My plant and the roots still looks great. After some topping it's time for flowering now.
I'll definitely continue with it.