

Well-Known Member
ok I've tried to ask about this type of system and got very little help. I'll try one more time. made a bubbler for clones. how long can you leave the plant in the bubbler?? the roots are in the water and have been for about a week. the thing runs 24/7 I change the water once a week ph 6.5 and add 1/4mix of liquid plant food.I'm due to change the water yesterday so I beter getto it. sorry no pics atm my grandbaby hid my camra.I will post when I find it.


Well-Known Member
as long as the water is bubbling with air bubbles you could leave the clones in there through flowering if you wanted to. Just make sure the roots dont sit in unbubbled water, or the roots will rot. Hope this answers your question.


Well-Known Member
yes thank you. I have two 5" bubble stones in the bottom. The water is very turbulent the roots are spreading now that they are in the water. they seem to have good root growth they are at the ned of the second week I didin't prep these clones at all the came off a broken plant I just finished making this so I therw them in to see what would happen. Ilike this bubbler. I'm going to play with more bubblers if I can grow to flowwer It will make a sweet set up for my clones.


Well-Known Member
I recently switched my flower room over to just bubble buckets and have been stoked with the results. The more air I add the happier they seem. I have never seen such explosive growth.


Well-Known Member
I have read once they have a root system you can do anything you want with them. move them into cups for more veg or just go into flower. Gl man


Well-Known Member
my little set up will go into flower as soon as I can get my flower room set up. in the two grows. we have 2o some plants way ready to flower and I only have enough light for about 6 plant. going to use a bunch of 42w cfls to supplement light figure 5-8 cfls and run the hps on a slide to cover all the plants. It would be a lot beter withabubble set up