Bubs first cfl grow(test run)

hey bubs i have to hand it to you ... you are a good garden gal:) i looked from when you started to grow and all i can say is your doing something right.. a magic touch maybe..

my plant is a week old and its looking good but i wanted to know if u think the size of the pot can effect the size of the plant? i had one more little baby in the same pot and when i tried to transplant it ,,, it croaked on me .. so im scared to death to move this last one... i might even break the pot .. any suggestions o ya and how many hours of light are u using .

i got mine from some midgrade and i hope mine looks close to as good as yours..

if your bagseed can look like that on your first grow ....then when u grow from the dank seed than im probaly gonna want u to be my weed lady :)

keep up the good work and keep us posted with all your beautiful pics
o ya and one more question ... how tall are your plants..?? and what kind of nutes? because i had a plant that was about to preflower and i fed it nutes twice in a weeks time... and ofcource it shriveled up ... so i might go all natural ... or very very little concentration of nutes...

be careful with the nutes ... its a horrible way to take those girls life :( haha u wont be able to take the guilt of killin those beautys...


Active Member
Thanks led, I think i got the green thumb from my grandma( god bless her soul).

For your light question, I vegged for 1 month at 18/6. when i switched to flower( exactly 35 days of 12/12. My nutes are vigoro. I feed at half strength (5.25g to gallon of water) every other water. I also wait for the girls to tell me what they need. Thanks for all your feed back.

what is the name of your gj
thanks that helped me out im gonna leave my plant under 18 hours ... 24 just seems unnatural

u ask what is the name of gj? i dont know if that question is directed to me... but im guessing gj means ganja :)?? i dont have a name yet .. hopeffully itll be lilly or mary haaaha but if u mean a strain .. im not sure its midgrade so im guesing sativa something... but if i had a choice i would grow train wreck or some purp but i dont know if i trust ordering seed over the net... i want to see if i can change the genetic make up by using a good enviroment:)


**Lucky man married to that green thumb** Pics (and plants) look great, glad to know the binoc's didn't die in vein. My mouth drools to think of how well these girls are going to medicate. LEDZ gj is grow journal. Looking forward to the next batch that she just started to germ, but i'm sure that will be another gj. :)
yea i wish i had a green thumb ... and can turn schwagg into ak47 looking weed in the time she grew those with that little amount of cfls.... its pretty inspiring to say the least..

my bad i didnt know what gj was lol a grow journals a good idea i most likely will wait till my other seeds germinate so i can have more for everyone to look at :) even though my one plant is looking good although it turns toward the light when its in the window sill every hour i have to rotate..... unitil night time when the artificial lighting is used:)


Active Member
well quite a bit has changed since my last post. I chop one down to make room for the other 2, then about a week later went in to check on them and notice my shortest plant was a herm. chop chop she came down. So down to one in the room all by herself. she's loving all the light


Active Member
Well I know its been awhile since I posted anything. Here is an update. All have finished, dry weight was about 2 1/2 oz. Really good smoke reports from all who got to try it. Currently have 2 more going. One is g-13 white widow and the other is dinafem power kush UFO. The are both female and a month old. On vacation right now and have them taking care of. Will post some pics of harvest and of the new ladies.