Buck's Bogart: This is illegal


Well-Known Member
Well as we cant see the top lasses face, or chest , she could have a right rotten puss(face). So the top picture is false advertising, hence illegal.
Sorry, on a serious note i think it is as the top picture has hands or a hand down the pants, (when i say pants i mean knickers/underwear, as im in d uk,)
so that top pic is suggesting numerous things, i guess that would be why.

Could be wrong though. Take it easy.


Well-Known Member
Well as we cant see the top lasses face, or chest , she could have a right rotten puss(face). So the top picture is false advertising, hence illegal.
Sorry, on a serious note i think it is as the top picture has hands or a hand down the pants, (when i say pants i mean knickers/underwear, as im in d uk,)
so that top pic is suggesting numerous things, i guess that would be why.

Could be wrong though. Take it easy.
do you find either display of clothing to be offensive?

what kind of clothing offends you (if any) and would you go so far as to ban it, if any did?

these questions should apply to anyone wishing to get involved in this installment of buck's bogart.

i come in peace.


Well-Known Member
do you find either display of clothing to be offensive?

what kind of clothing offends you (if any) and would you go so far as to ban it, if any did?

these questions should apply to anyone wishing to get involved in this installment of buck's bogart.

i come in peace.
No, i wouldn't say offensive, disappointed they have clothes on yes, But not offended.

I would have to say, the only thing that I think, repeat, I Think, should be banned is burkas when going through passport control.
That wee picture in your passport dosn't have a burka on, and if its really a problem, have a separate room where the burka can be revealed in prvt. By a female officer. Thats just me though. (Sounds pretty anti-islam but i really don't mean it to be. I got no beef with women wearing them in the street, just when they are at passport control.)

i would of deleted what i just typed as i looked it up and women do have to reveal their face to a female officer.(if offended by a male seein there puss. So scratch that.
(http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090311142226AArjC9n). I know yahoo answers isnt verifiable, or peer reviewed but i trust what it says.

Actually, speaking of outlawing something. What about something like, banning all girls under 16 from wearing just leggings on their bottom half. . ? Especially if you look older but arn't. Talking of false advertising. Lol.

That sounds abit creepy, but im sure you know what i mean.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I watched 2 hours of girls taking shits it took me two hours to find the hottest girl dropping the fattest log to masterbate to!! I find those pics quite boring. ....to say the least.


New Member
I've heard of legislation that forbids the public exposure of ones undergarments. This seems to be a common tie within your displayed pictures.

The legal contains something similar, that does not expose the undergarment, the illegal has them exposed.



Well-Known Member
Typical.....post a photo of a white girl with her underwear showing, knowing full well someone is going to post a photo of some "pants on the ground" thug......so Bucky can jack off while he rants about people being racists.....feckin' lame....


Well-Known Member
I've heard of legislation that forbids the public exposure of ones undergarments. This seems to be a common tie within your displayed pictures.

The legal contains something similar, that does not expose the undergarment, the illegal has them exposed.

you got it.

dublin georgia recently put a law on the books that forbids the sagging of pants. can not wear them more than 3'' below your hips.

clearly a racially targeted law, amirite? or am i just being oversensitive here?


Well-Known Member
I don't see how it can be racially targeted when plenty of other races wear them like that too. I think it just looks gross myself, I don't really care to see another dudes underwear hanging out. Whether it should actually be a law though, I think that's a little extreme.


New Member
you got it.

dublin georgia recently put a law on the books that forbids the sagging of pants. can not wear them more than 3'' below your hips.

clearly a racially targeted law, amirite? or am i just being oversensitive here?
While it is a style made popular by African Americans, as long as the law is enforced equally on white kids and others, I fail to see it as racist. Plenty of white kids running around with their ass showing.

I find it rather offensive for a dude to be walking by, when say I'm out with my daughter, and his ass is showing. I don't have a daughter, but if I did, that would offend me.