Bud Candy overpriced garbage?

4lbs a light with my DE's only at 82%... terrible. I can't afford to continue like this. These evil nutrient companies are killing me. God, I hope the socialists take over the US like they did in Germany in the late 1930's.
4lbs a light with my DE's only at 82%... terrible. I can't afford to continue like this. These evil nutrient companies are killing me. God, I hope the socialists take over the US like they did in Germany in the late 1930's.
LOL, so what you are saying is that you have a huge setup and can afford to pay whatever the nute companies want so everyone should? Do you grow for profit as your room seems to point to? You do realize that most mixed nutes are marked up a great deal don't you? Also that most nute companies use marketing to sell to those who know no better than to over spend. Just because there is a Rastafarian Panda with dreadlocks getting a blowjob on the bottle while doing a dab does not make it worth buying. I use the GH Trio and am satisfied with it, I add some Epsom salts and Calimagic and I am good to go. Now if you go to their advanced line it consists of 13, yes 13 bottles. It's a joke. Most bottles duplicate what is in other bottles and the fact is that you can get just as healthy a plant with the base nutes and not have to do a science experiment with a full lab every time you mix your nutes. Not everyone is in a position like you to just say they pay whatever because they have money and their time is valuable. While I don't fault you for being in a position to do that, many are not and the fact is that most of these products are sold via marketing as opposed to being good for plants.

On another note, nice garden.
Do you know where I can buy salicylic acid? What are the mixing ratios, etc? Thanks
Mixing ratios would have to be figured out by the grower but it is pretty simple to buy.

LOL, so what you are saying is that you have a huge setup and can afford to pay whatever the nute companies want so everyone should? Do you grow for profit as your room seems to point to? You do realize that most mixed nutes are marked up a great deal don't you? Also that most nute companies use marketing to sell to those who know no better than to over spend. Just because there is a Rastafarian Panda with dreadlocks getting a blowjob on the bottle while doing a dab does not make it worth buying. I use the GH Trio and am satisfied with it, I add some Epsom salts and Calimagic and I am good to go. Now if you go to their advanced line it consists of 13, yes 13 bottles. It's a joke. Most bottles duplicate what is in other bottles and the fact is that you can get just as healthy a plant with the base nutes and not have to do a science experiment with a full lab every time you mix your nutes. Not everyone is in a position like you to just say they pay whatever because they have money and their time is valuable. While I don't fault you for being in a position to do that, many are not and the fact is that most of these products are sold via marketing as opposed to being good for plants.

On another note, nice garden.
I don't use much AN, but I do use a few products. From the closest I can get to the scientific method, the products work. I think there is reason AN won't fix their label to be able to sell BC in Oregon; as well as admit salicylic acid is an ingredient. I also wonder what else is in BC, OD, and BI that isn't listed. I think people, not you personally, bagging on AN and almost every other company is a disservice to newbs trying to find information. Many people use AN with great results. Is there a DYI or cheaper option for everything they put out? Maybe. Is it garbage and they're ripping everyone off... pfft. Same old story.

As far as my garden, I didn't get there on daddy's money. I started growing in '95; trial and error. Thank you very much for the compliment. May you be blessed with bountiful, high quality harvests. Buds like Jesus.
I don't use much AN, but I do use a few products. From the closest I can get to the scientific method, the products work. I think there is reason AN won't fix their label to be able to sell BC in Oregon; as well as admit salicylic acid is an ingredient. I also wonder what else is in BC, OD, and BI that isn't listed. I think people, not you personally, bagging on AN and almost every other company is a disservice to newbs trying to find information. Many people use AN with great results. Is there a DYI or cheaper option for everything they put out? Maybe. Is it garbage and they're ripping everyone off... pfft. Same old story.

As far as my garden, I didn't get there on daddy's money. I started growing in '95; trial and error. Thank you very much for the compliment. May you be blessed with bountiful, high quality harvests. Buds like Jesus.
Unfortunately I don't have backers or free monies raining from the sky either. I built everything from the bottom up
I mean I have 6 plus rooms running 150+ plants each. Doesn't mean I want to use overpriced junk. I look at my overhead.
Sweet. Thanks. What's your formula end to end so I don't need to buy anything off the shelf anymore?

I'm soil btw, and don't like the taste of hydro using straight salts. Often it looks great on Instaspam, but tastes like it fell off the truck in Modern Problems.
Sweet. Thanks. What's your formula end to end so I don't need to buy anything off the shelf anymore?

I'm soil btw, and don't like the taste of hydro using straight salts. Often it looks great on Instaspam, but tastes like it fell off the truck in Modern Problems.
Honestly I use a shit ton of recharge, and megacrops professional 2 part. I run soil as well.
I don't use much AN, but I do use a few products. From the closest I can get to the scientific method, the products work. I think there is reason AN won't fix their label to be able to sell BC in Oregon; as well as admit salicylic acid is an ingredient. I also wonder what else is in BC, OD, and BI that isn't listed. I think people, not you personally, bagging on AN and almost every other company is a disservice to newbs trying to find information. Many people use AN with great results. Is there a DYI or cheaper option for everything they put out? Maybe. Is it garbage and they're ripping everyone off... pfft. Same old story.

As far as my garden, I didn't get there on daddy's money. I started growing in '95; trial and error. Thank you very much for the compliment. May you be blessed with bountiful, high quality harvests. Buds like Jesus.
Thanks bud, I appreciate it. Hey, I get both sides of this debate. I am in Canada and have a 4 plant limit. So for my 4x4 tent I went with an HLG 600 Rspec and UV bar light attachment. To me this was very over priced but I spent more because I wanted top quality gear. I could have DIY`d the lights for 1/3 the price and saved a bunch but did not want to waste any time messing around. I am lucky to be in a position to due this but many are not. I think the key is for both sides to acknowledge the positives and negatives. Will AN get you there, absolutely. Are there cheaper alternatives that will also get you there, absolutely. Are many of the products out there more marketing fluff and could be done without, hell yes. I think that blindly bashing stuff is a disservice to new growers looking for info but the flip side to that is there is so much money wasted by new growers on crap they don't need because of fancy bottles and marketing hype. Many of these companies seem to be able to convince newbies that there is some magic elixir that will create great plants when in fact there is no genie in the bottle. It's just plant food. Just look at lights as a great example. The world is very full of shitty blurple lights sold using false claims and bullshit marketing. New growers are constantly wasting their money on garbage lights due to lies by these companies like their 100 watt crap lights replace 1000w MH/HPS lights. I think the biggest thing is do your research before you buy anything and try to source your info from real growers, not light or nute companies that have a vested interest in selling you their products. Ok, that was long winded, sorry. Happy growing bud.
Oh, nice. I had gotten Recharge recently. I've heard great things. Unfortunately, I added it at a time I had some other issues; different peat and a new high end meter being calibrated to euro standards without knowing it. Still trying to figure out what spiked the soil PH. Anyway, I put the recharge back on the shelf and went back to the very successful basics. It's a curse and a blessing with growers... always trying to do better. I'll try adding it in again in a harvest or two. I'll look into Megacrops. I'm kind of in a "it wasn't broke you dumb ass, stop tinkering." Lol. (I'm the dumb ass, of course.)
Thanks for the tip. Blessings back at you. Continued success!!
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Thanks bud, I appreciate it. Hey, I get both sides of this debate. I am in Canada and have a 4 plant limit. So for my 4x4 tent I went with an HLG 600 Rspec and UV bar light attachment. To me this was very over priced but I spent more because I wanted top quality gear. I could have DIY`d the lights for 1/3 the price and saved a bunch but did not want to waste any time messing around. I am lucky to be in a position to due this but many are not. I think the key is for both sides to acknowledge the positives and negatives. Will AN get you there, absolutely. Are there cheaper alternatives that will also get you there, absolutely. Are many of the products out there more marketing fluff and could be done without, hell yes. I think that blindly bashing stuff is a disservice to new growers looking for info but the flip side to that is there is so much money wasted by new growers on crap they don't need because of fancy bottles and marketing hype. Many of these companies seem to be able to convince newbies that there is some magic elixir that will create great plants when in fact there is no genie in the bottle. It's just plant food. Just look at lights as a great example. The world is very full of shitty blurple lights sold using false claims and bullshit marketing. New growers are constantly wasting their money on garbage lights due to lies by these companies like their 100 watt crap lights replace 1000w MH/HPS lights. I think the biggest thing is do your research before you buy anything and try to source your info from real growers, not light or nute companies that have a vested interest in selling you their products. Ok, that was long winded, sorry. Happy growing bud.
I couldn't have said it better. Spot on.
Advanced Nutrients works fine but the prices are ridiculous and many of the 20 or so bottles are very similar or even the same products...

Look at their "revive" that shit is just aloe vera, epsom salt and piss for good measure...
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I mean I have 6 plus rooms running 150+ plants each. Doesn't mean I want to use overpriced junk. I look at my overhead.
Lol just what I was thinking, what about larger scales ? Good luck buying Advanced Bullshit for a decent size grow, probably run you millions :mrgreen:
Just curious if any of you have done the basic math and realized the exclusive nutes are just proprietary ratios of the same base nutes you should be using in soil of course. A bit of math and a scale, poof, you have bloom enhancers. Don't buy the hype. Do the reading. Just a gimmick to over charge. Sorry wet set guys. Illogical in organics.

And zit meds for plants? I'd just try dolomite.
