Bud factor x, big bud

im goin to be wanting to use these both. i was just wanting to get your guys opinions of these products before i made a final decision.

thnx guys:bigjoint:


Active Member
bud faxtor is good i mean i grew just with big bud and than i grew with bud factor and over drive and seen a bigg difference th e big bud really doesnt cut it for me


Well-Known Member
Big Bud is a good PK booster, pretty basic, 0-1-3. Bud Factor X is wayyyy too god damn expensive. Same with AN's Voodoo Juice. Same results with Aqua Shield from Botanicare.
Bud Factor and Bud Candy same shxt. Bud Candy cheaper. look on label it devier from same shxt .. lol I use Bud Ing. Bud Candy . Big Bud. Overdrive . with Xnurtients base food in hydro :)


Well-Known Member
Bud Candy and Bud Factor X definitely is not the same product. One is for smell and flavor, the other is used for further bud development with a PK booster. Definitely different shit. Carboload and Sweet Leaf together are Bud Candy. Bud Factor X is a completely different product. You can have nutrients derived of the same thing and have completely different substances. Hell, in that case every nutrient is derived from the same thing. Lets just throw bat shit into our reservoir and call it as good as using bennies, base nutes, and bloom enhancers. It's all the same thing, right?!...

I personally think Bud Candy makes all the strains taste alike. Not saying the same exact taste, but you can definitely tell a similarity in all of your strains when using Bud Candy. I haven't found that BFX does that or even has close to the same effect as BC.