bud hair color


Well-Known Member
bud hairs are probably going to turn brownish color soon...

as of right now 90percent of the hairs are white...

the most healthy plant with the fattest bud has the main cola with hairs that the bases are starting to turn a blood red...

is a red hair color the marking of being on its way to brown?

or is red hairs bad?


Well-Known Member
white, then brown, then red

you should really be checking the tiny trichomes on the hairs, thats the best indicator, the next best indicator would be the trichomes on the buds, and then the least accurate way is by judging the colors of the hairs.


Well-Known Member
damn... i thought i had to wait for it to brown slightly... if you look at the harvest guidethey say to wait... but ill check out the trichomes...

is there any plant that gets harvested with white hairs?


Well-Known Member
hair can be a deseption,my bitchs hairs are all red,and still growin,she has 19 days to go,u will know when shes ready by age and num days flowerin aswell as the look of ripeness. my girls main cola is like 6in in circumference and still growin


Well-Known Member
how many days u think northern lights shud b fowered for...

shud harvest be when hairs are all brown?

my hairs turned from white to red... red is growing from center of bud


Well-Known Member
how many days u think northern lights shud b fowered for...

shud harvest be when hairs are all brown?

my hairs turned from white to red... red is growing from center of bud

If you like a nice up high you should harvest when the trichomes are like 80% milky and 20% clear. If you prefer a couchlock stoned feeling then harvest when you have about 90% milkly and 10% amber trichomes.

You can seen the trichs really well by taking a picture with a good camera with a macro function. Or you can get a microscope, just a 30x children's one will do.

You can also go by the hair color but it is not as accurate. Typically you want at least 80% of the hairs to be orange/rust/reddish/brown (different strains will produce slightly different colors).

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New Member
look MF'cker get a 30x magnifying glass at your local coin shop and check the fucken trichomes already, you asked a question and got a response, learn from it,
austie de qualiste de tabarnacle