Bud has lost its Firmness...PLEASE HELP.


yesterday was the end of 9 weeks flowering. i noticed over the last few days, the trichomes forming alot more. however, this morning i check the buds and they have lost their firmness. like everyone i squeez is airy...wtf??? I think my grow area is a little hot, but they have been doing fine until now. im so pissed. should i cut them now? im afraid it may get worse.


Well-Known Member
sometimes when they are heat stressed they do go squishy.
with regards to chopping it down, i think this should be a last resort.
how long is the flowering time on that strain?
what are the temps?
do you know what percentage of the trics are amber?.


no...my mag is a 5x and i dont have a job right now so cant afford anything better. its bagseed so not sure of the strain. the temp is about 86


they just seem to have gotten worse since last night. i dont want them to keep getting soft. sux so bad. two days ago they were getting really firm.


i have bugs too. white ones and grey ones on top of the leaves. they just showed up about a week ago so i didnt think anything about it cuz i knew i was close to harvest. i ready that if your close dont worry about it. but now there are a ton of them. do you think they are killing the plant? if so i need to chop


It might be worth taking a look at getting one of those bug bomb things i been reading about on forums,apparantly its safe and effective,i dont know myself.
Might be worth a go if you have the time about $10-15 i have heard.
Either way whatever you decide good luck bro..that sucks!!


New Member
You can also get an extracheapass pocket microscope from the Chinanese on the Ebays for like .99 + shipping.

I think the entire country of China is one big 99 Cent City superstore.


yeah...thanks dude. i mean all my fan leaves have been gone for weeks and most the leaves around the bud are dying now to. just a bunch of buds on stems is what it looks like. 80% hair red and shrivled. im bringing her down.


Yeah bro,its sounds like it is time,no chance for the bug bomb i think.Gonna spent some time picking them bugs off,would recommend when you hang your buds to dry with the bugs,keep some tomatos on the vine close to the buds and it might attract them instead,I heard it from a crazy friend of mine in South africa and he swore that by growing tomatos around your plants keeps the bugs away and could draw them from your plants,cheap idea and couldn hurt a try....


Well-Known Member
i have bugs too. white ones and grey ones on top of the leaves. they just showed up about a week ago so i didnt think anything about it cuz i knew i was close to harvest. i ready that if your close dont worry about it. but now there are a ton of them. do you think they are killing the plant? if so i need to chop

You don't care if you're smoking bugs? :shock:


lol, usually I stay quiet, just like an interesting read, but I have to say that last comment actually made me giggle out loud to myself, touche my friend :)


Well-Known Member
don't spray them whatever you do, try the vacum or something. post some pics if you can after the chop


Active Member
an easy way to remove some bugs without hurting your buds or leaves is to tape a paper towel over the end of your vacumes hose attachement. that way you arent sucking down the flowers or leaves an usualy pulls them right off.