Bud looks and smells great taste bad


Well-Known Member
I can't seem to get my bud to taste like it should. I've read different threads but nothing I try seem to help. So I'm seeking some personalized info. The strains. DNA sour kush, DNA cataract kush, and ghs super lemon haze. Nutrients are botanicare. 5 gallon pots that I flush as follow. 2 weeks out 2 gallons of plain distilled water per plant. 1 week out another 2 gallons of plain water per plant. Once the soil drys out I trim the fan leaves and hang them in complete darkness. Temps stay right around 65 and 50% humidity. I let them hang for about 6-7 days till the stems bend but don't snap. Then I cut the individual buds off and place in air tight rubber made containers. Which I burp 2 times a day. Once they go into jars over the next week or so I fine trim them. I get so many compliments on how good it look and they smell super awesome. Like open the jar in the car and you can smell it the next day, but when smoked it has such a plain almost dry taste. Please someone help. I've been trying to get this fixed for about a year now. Thanks


Well-Known Member
It's hard work to find one seed that has great taste/smell/potency. Usually you would grow at least a 10 pack out, take clones of all of them, flower them all out and keep the winner as a mother. Otherwise, with just one fem seed you'll be lucky to get a plant that has it all.

Did you have the same problem back when you used clones? Had you smoked any herb before you grew the clone it was from to know what it should taste like?

It sounds like you have the whole drying/curing thing down well. Some say to avoid plastic but I've never had a problem using the tubs. I also grow from seed and it's really hit or miss, but I enjoy growing a huge variety. Even though they all seem to have great potency, the taste and smell sometimes are not always there. I don't mind it though. I smoke to get high.


Well-Known Member
Nutrients are botanicare. 5 gallon pots that I flush as follow. 2 weeks out 2 gallons of plain distilled water ...3 times the volume of the pot use tap water if ph OK

Once the soil drys out I trim the fan leaves and hang them in complete darkness. .........cut the bud to 12-18 inch twigs allow the bud to dry on the twigs temp at 65-75f 50-65% Rh

>>>>> I let them hang for about 6-7 days till the stems bend but don't snap. make that 2-3 weeks and YES that twig has got to snap like a match stick breaking <<<<<<< (or suffer decomposition)

Then I cut the individual buds off and place in air tight rubber made containers .....contamination here from (p.e.t) Plastic chemicals use brown paper bags even newspaper?

keep a Rh(boveda) stat close by for test

Try some other weed for comparison ...human taste buds are funny fuckers ...lol


Well-Known Member
I used seeds this past time for the reason u are stating. Thought the plants I cloned from just didn't have the right genes. Which could be right because they really didn't taste well either. Just thought that was my fault. Like I said this has been a on going prob for about a year and a half. When I first started growing, the plants I had must have been phenoms because they were great in taste, high, looks and yeild but I was still a newb and didn't think cloning would matter. Since then I haven't found a seed yet that compares to the first round. So I have started to feel like I'm the prob and am doing something wrong. So I come to the experts here for help. Thanks you all for the replies. It's all appreciated.


Well-Known Member
It seems like a good tasting bud will taste good no matter how it's dried. I grew some clones of a "Deathstar" plant (Sour DieselXSuperSkunk) from a reputable grower. I like to sample my cut times, and quick dried some buds in a dehydrator. Absolutely amazing taste and smell. Needless to say the properly dried stuff was even smoother, but the taste was awesome regardless. Been growing single seeds for years now and have stumbled across maybe 3 or 4 only that had it all going on. Good breeders, too. Some have great taste and mediocre high. I've grown a Super Lemon Haze that tasted awful but had a magnificent smell and high, and also took way too long to finish.

I wish I lived in a friendlier state and could get some good cuts from a store!


Well-Known Member
Just it maybe just part of the hole process. I know people say mothers are the way to go as you know what your going to end up with but I to like variety. Lol. May next time I find one that's the hole package so to speak I'll keep it as a mother and still use a few seeds to have the variety. I just felt I was doing everything by the book and just couldn't get the prob corrected. The high is great on all of the ones I currently have but it taste somewhat like hay. All the stuff I get from the street dealer always taste so much better so I couldn't help thinking I was the problem.


Well-Known Member
Bump... Botanicare is the problem. It tastes horrible. Tell everyone you know.

Most bottle fed weed doesn't live up to its natural flavor but Botanicare is the worst of the worst, it sticks out above all others. They need to take that plastic Monsanto shit off the market. Its developed in AZ, home of the worst weed on the planet. Dont use Botanicare if you want your weed to taste even remotely tolerable. If you and everyone you sell to smoke cigs and drinks maybe youll have success but people with fully functioning taste buds will tell you your botanicare bud taste like a Chinese factory.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
I had the same problem. Could not figure out how to get that top shelf flavor until I got some killer blueberry og from an old hippie at a music festival. I asked the dude how he did it he said "one word bro....organics."
Once I ditched my nutes & switched to growing in organic soil my bud instantly tasted like the best weed I've ever had. Nutrients DO effect the taste & no amount of flushing can fix it if they are used heavy. I'm sure some will disagree but if you are drying and curing properly and cannot seem to get the flavors you want try doing a grow without using bottled nutrients; you'll never go back. Cannabis grown in natural soil exhibits the full characteristics of the strain. Don't take my word for it try it & see for yourself.